Moving Past Complacency

Recently, I have noticed a complacency that has settled around me. The struggle between complacency and doing great things wage war not only in my own heart but for many people in and out of the church. It is like riding a merry-go-round at the park; some days we are holding on tight as we spin around while other days we jump off as soon as we can.

People who have become complacent in their hearts, even in their walk with the Lord, find themselves in a place where they have forgotten what they were created for. It is easy to stray from God’s design when we place other things in front of Him. When I read my Bible less, attend church even less frequently and cease to pray or even meditate upon the things of the Lord, I find myself falling into a rut. Ruts can easily turn into an attitude of complacency.

(Proverbs 1:32) “For the wayardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them.”

The definition of “complacency” is defined as “a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect or the like; a smug self satisfaction with an existing condition.” How easy it is to allow complacency to creep up on us when we feel comfortable with our life, all the while, not recognizing the very dangerous warning signs.

In the book of Proverbs, becoming complacent is said to be a foolish thing that will bring destruction. I have never been more aware of the dangers of complacency as I have in recent weeks. Being a lukewarm Christian is not something that I want to be. Lukewarm living sneaks into our hearts (and our churches) when church just becomes a “service” and not a ministry any longer and when living our life is more about us than others (or God). God speaks about lukewarm Christians in the book of Revelation, as a form of another warning…

(Revelation 3:16) “So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot or cold, I am about to spit you out of My mouth.”

God is a jealous God, not only is He jealous of us but He is jealous for us! He loves us so much that He does not want to share us with anything or anyone. He wants our ALL or NOTHING, no in-between. A foot in the world and a foot in the heavenly just will not do. We must decide if we are hot or if we are cold. Having both feet not planted is much like riding the merry-go-round with one foot on and one foot off, eventually you will fall and come crashing down.

If you don’t want to be spit out, consider where your feet are planted. If you have gotten comfortable in the way things are in your spiritual growth or perhaps you haven’t had any spiritual growth in some time, there is a good chance that you have missed the warning signs and have allowed complacency to creep in.

I am not willing to settle for less. Don’t allow complacency to keep you from all that God has created you for!

PRAYER: Dear Lord; forgive me for allowing complacency to creep into my heart. I want all that You have for me, not less. Help me to remove the feelings of complacency that I and others bring into my life; I choose to be hot for You, not lukewarm. Help me Lord to be all that You created me to be! AMEN


@copyright2018 laurieadams

*find me on facebook at womentakingastand for more daily devotions.




3 thoughts on “Moving Past Complacency

  1. Sue young

    Timely message Sister Laurie! Thankyou. I love you and Thankyou for receiving and conveying God’s uncompromising Word. I needed this today. Have a blessed weekend!

  2. Iris Nelson

    Amen, Laurie. I too want to be ‘hot’ for the lord, and not lukewarm. Thank you for the reminder to not fall in to complacency.