Get Moving

Hospitals are for the sick to come and get well.  Once they are well, they leave.  Wouldn’t it be so silly once you got well, if you just stayed there?  It’s not a resort; it’s place to help the sick get well. 

I think churches are a lot like hospitals for the lost.  Churches are established all over the world so the sick (lost) can come and get well (saved).  For those that are not well, can come and learn the life changing truth of Jesus Christ and no longer be lost, but found!!

Churches aren’t for the ones that know the truth, to go and sit on the pews for the rest of their lives.  That’s not our calling.  That’s not the instructions the Bible gives us.  If you know the truth you have a responsibility to take your place in the body of Christ and make a difference in the kingdom of God.  In Mark 16:15 you will find specific instructions from Christ telling us what He wants us to do with this life changing truth. 

Mark 16:15 “He said to them, Go into the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

He doesn’t want us to know it and not tell it.  He wants us to go and reach the lost and teach them about Jesus.  They are searching for it; they just don’t know what they are searching for until we teach them.

I’m not saying that once you learn the truth about Jesus that the very next week you should take that step and begin reaching others.  You’re a baby Christian, you are just learning about Jesus, you need time to grow and develop your relationship with Jesus before diving into that pursuit. 

Once you are able to eat solid foods you stop the formula.  Mothers give their babies liquid formula because their digestive system can’t handle solid foods on their own just yet.  But they will reach a time that they will take that spoon from their mothers hand and feed themselves solid food and chew away!  That is when it’s time to take that step and begin your pursuit of helping those that are sick.  The preacher feeds his flock with the Word of God, and when the baby Christians begins to grow and develop they will be ready for solid foods and will be able to feed themselves instead of depending on others.  Once you get to that point you are able to take that step, find your place in the body of Christ and pursue reaching others.

Once you have learned the truth and your relationship with Jesus has grown and developed, you have a responsibility to take that step to find where you fit in the body of Christ.

We were all made to have fellowship with him.  The ones who do not know him will feel something missing in their lives and constantly search for what is missing to fill that emptiness.  That’s where the churches come in to play; they are for the lost to come and learn about Jesus and become transformed and changed forever. 

The church isn’t for the well to stay; it’s for the lost to be found.

Please don’t misunderstand what I am saying.  Yes we all need to attend church regularly, but we also need to do something instead of nothing.  Get involved in some kind of ministry!!  Teach a bible study or teach Sunday school… Get involved in outreach or women’s ministry… Start somewhere and doing something!!  We were made to MOVE not STAY!!

Everyone has a place in the body of Christ.  We all have Spiritual gifts from God.  We will do what we are good at doing.  You just have to find out what Spiritual gifts God has given you, pray about it and go from there!!

Jesus came here for the sick… The ones who need a Doctor!! 

Mark 2:17 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.  I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

If there are people in your church that have been attending for a long period of time and are not active in the kingdom, don’t let it frustrate you because they are not taking their place in the body of Christ and pursuing the responsibilities of spreading the good news of Jesus.  Instead, pray for them that God will place a passion in their hearts to find their place in this world and teach others about this life changing truth that they hold so tightly in their hearts.  Pray that they will want to share the gospel with others and not keep it locked up inside their hearts like a secret.

We were made in the image of God and were made to reflect His nature.  Love is the most dominate nature of God.  If we were made to reflect His nature, then we were made to love.  We should love the sick and desire for them to become well.  We should desire what God desires. 

After all, we are followers of Christ; shouldn’t we desire what He desires?

What if someone is depending on you to tell them about Jesus?

What will God say to us on judgment day when He asks, “What did you do with this life changing truth”? 

Will our answer be “Nothing”? 

Will we say “Well, I went to church every time the doors were open and heard your word and lived a righteous life”? 

What do you think He would say to that response?  I would think He would say “So what you are telling me, is that you knew the gospel and just kept it locked inside your heart?  You didn’t try to help the others that didn’t know”?

I don’t want my response to His questions on that day to be so lousy.  I want to be able to stand there and say proudly “I passionately pursued my place in the body of Christ reaching the lost and hurting, teaching them about the life changing truth of Jesus Christ and about a relationship that changes everything.”

I am challenging myself today to never stop pursuing my place in the body of Christ and reaching others that don’t know the truth and love of Jesus with more passion than ever!!  I want to keep MOVING!!

What are you doing to make a difference? 

Have you been sitting on those church pews Sunday after Sunday or have you been passionately pursuing your place in the body of Christ sharing the life changing truth?

Don’t stay on the pews to get drenched in the Word of God…..drench others yourself with the Word of God!!!

Challenge yourself today to MOVE!!  Get up off that pew and start doing something!!

Let’s keep the body of Christ MOVING!!!  More will get done when we MOVE than when we STAY.

What if someone is counting on YOU?

Dear Jesus, please help us to rise up and take responsibility for the life changing truth we hold in our hearts.  Help us not to keep it locked inside our hearts, but to develop a passion to share your word to the lost so they may find you.  In Jesus name, Amen!



Visit my personal devotional blog at From The Pages of Love

4 thoughts on “Get Moving

  1. LaurieLaurie Adams

    Amen Krista. They say that 10% of the people do 90% of the work. How awesome would it be if we could turn that percentage around in our churches. A growing church is a healthy church. 🙂

  2. Iris

    You are right Krista; we should not keep the good news to ourselves, but to share them. May our Lord give me the opportunity today to share the Good News.

  3. Teri

    Lately I’ve been feeling the same way you write here, serving in the body of Christ question has been where until I began attending the new church in my area that has opportunities for me to be a member rather than a participant in a ministry or possibly ministries that are in line with both my creative talents and spiritual gifts of worship, hospitality and exhortation which I’m excited to see how and where God uses me and what God uses me for to further His kingdom.