Mr. T always said, “Be Somebody..or be Somebody’s fool.” And I always wanted to be somebody…..

When I was in high school I dated Mr. Football. During the high school years many of us ask ourself the important questions, who am I, where am I going, and what do I need to do to be somebody. I was a girl, and I thought in order to “be somebody” I should date someone that is “somebody.” So I flirted with Mr. Football until he decided to ask me out on a date.

As you can image the date was to a sporting event. To be honest I don’t remember much about it. I just remember he talked to his guy friends more than he talked to me, and dinner was a cold hot dog at the game. Even so, I sat there thinking “if I could get this guy to like me, then I would be somebody. At the end of the evening he dropped me off at home and said goodnight. I walked in the door thinking that was the most boring date ever, but knowing full well if he asked me out again I would go.

Mr. Football player did ask me out on a second date, but later decided I was not right for him. So to him I was nobody. I was not crushed because I did not like him very much, I only had the hopes he would make me into somebody. Later on I tried to gain the attention of another football player, but through God’s mercy and protection the second Mr. Football did not give me the time of day.

Each time this occurred in my young life I certainly felt like I was nobody. I found myself asking, “Who am I Lord that you should love me when I am a nobody?”

It was not until God got a hold of my heart and knocked me down a peg or two that I heard him say, “YOU ARE MINE that is who you are. And you are SOMEBODY to me. In fact I died for you!”

So many times, especially as women, we try to find our identity in the people around us. People are fickle, you can be someone very important to them one day, but the next day you are nobody. This always leads to heartbreak and feelings of inadequacy. But God says: (phrases from Isaiah 43:1-7)

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.

Since you are precious and honored in my sight,
and because I love you,

Do not be afraid, for I am with you;

Psalm 139 also says, “But now, this is what the Lord says:
he who created you, O Jacob, / he who formed you, O Israel:
Fear not, for I have redeemed you: / I have summoned you by name; you are

You are Somebody to the King of Kings and Lord of Lord, lift your head up oh sweet one.

When was the last time you felt like a nobody? Or did someone around you make you feel like a nobody?
These are lies Satan would like us to believe, they are whispered in our ear constantly until we agree with them. Read the TRUTH you are HIS, he loves you with a jealous love and a passion like no other. Walk and stand proud….YOU ARE SOMEBODY.

Heavenly Father, thank you for making me precious in your sight. Thank you for reminding me, even during my worse day I am somebody TO YOU – and that is all that matters.

15 thoughts on “Mr. T always said, “Be Somebody..or be Somebody’s fool.” And I always wanted to be somebody…..

  1. Shonda

    How encouraging Laurel. So beautiful! I am HIS, therefore, I am somebody!

    Blessings in Christ–

    P.S. Enter me please.

  2. Susanne

    What a great post, Laurel! I am somebody because He loves me.

    Sounds like you and I went through a lot of the same things in high school. That was my mentality too.

  3. LynnLynn

    Oh Laurel,

    Wonderful, powerful and liberating from fears..“YOU ARE MINE that is who you are….. Amen… Amen….AMEN!!!!

    Awesome post!

  4. eph2810

    Amen, amen and amen to that Laurel. You are right. The enemy likes to take everything from us. Especially if we are His girls. He likes to put lies into our head that we a worth nothing.

    Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us. It encouraged me greatly this morning.

    Welcome back, my sweet friend!

  5. LindaLinda

    Oh Laurel – I have certainly been there and even now find myself falling into that trap. Thank you for reminding us of our great worth.

  6. Angela

    So true. I felt like that most all of my life. I could never be good enough for anybody so when the Lord knocked on my heart at the age of 12 I told him I wasn’t good enough and never would be. I told him he made a mistake with me. I loved the Lord and believed in him but felt unworthy of his love. I am still unworthy of his love but I know he loves me any way and I am somebody to him. I thank each one of you at LWG for all that you do. The women there have been so kind. It is one thing to write your devotionals but to respond to comments left about your devotionals, well that shows a heart of love and compassion for your sisters in Christ. May God bless each one of you.

  7. Angela

    so moving…i spent so many years trying to belong and just recently am learning my place as a daughter of a King.

  8. Connie

    Yes My sweet friend.. we live our live out of the roots of who we think we are…. a nobody…his, theirs, everyone, everything but Gods…

    It is when we become One with Him… that we can finally rest in our journey and enjoy the ride… even when it’s bumpy…

    beautifully written my dear….

  9. linda f.

    Sometimes I wish I could live parts of my life over with a little more confidence and less regrets. But now, I know God will use everything to His glory.

  10. Shalee

    For some reason, I keep hearing a paraphrased version of Jack Handey.

    “I’m good enough. I’m smart enough. And doggone it, my Father likes me!”

    I really appreciated ““YOU ARE MINE that is who you are. And you are SOMEBODY to me.” That’s all that matters in the whole scheme of things! Now if only I can instill this truth in my kids so that they know it to the depths of their core as well.

  11. Angie

    Oh, Laurel….that was awesome. I have felt like that so many times in my life…even as an adult. That’s the enemy talking though…and I know it.
    BTW—WELCOME BACK! I have missed you. The Lord is working. 🙂
    Thanks for these insightful and encouraging words!
    (((HUGS))) to YOU!