Muscle Bound Woman of God

Oswald Chambers wrote, “God does not give us overcoming life:  He gives us life as we overcome.  The strain is in the strength.  If there is no strain, there is no strength.”

You are probably tired of me using the devotional book, “My Utmost”–but I have to tell you, over and over God has used this book to speak to the VERY SPOT in my heart and life that needed it “right then” since I started it, January 1, 2009.   Suffice it to say, this may not be the last time I reference dear Brother Chambers.

I’ve been doing some “re-doing” in my house.  Again.  Minor stuff.

Furniture rearranging.  Touch up painting.  Heavy-duty cleaning.

All the things I used to do very often, I have found that the “lack of strength” to do all in one day, is taking me weeks.  Spreading it out over  a period of several weekends.

The reason?  I’m old.  Well, not really old, but not so young anymore.  The energy just hasn’t been there.  Therefore the muscles are weak.  I have spent much more time in the past 7+ years playing with grandchildren than on any house project.  I’m a bit rusty.  Actually, I’m a bit weak.

We suffer from that same weakness in our spiritual walk.  If we rarely open our Bibles, or rarely get on our faces before God, we will find ourselves in a very weakened condition at the first sign of trouble.  Sort of like the little pig that built his house of sticks or straw.  Nothing there to keep the big bad wolf from blowing it to smithereens.  The strength of the 3rd little pig’s house, came from the building materials.  Bricks and mortar.  Solid and stable. (Prayer and the Word.)

I work with a few individuals who frequent the gym (daily).  They are highly motivated to keep their bodies in tip top shape, physically speaking.  None of that jiggly stuff on them!  No chocolate-chip cookies for them!  They take care of the physical body they were given.  But what about the spiritual?

He has been working on the “spiritual me” for quite some time…but I have to wonder…does it show?  Are the muscles visible?

The muscles I am speaking of might appear in the form of peaceful calmness in the severe storm of a sudden sickness.  The muscles reveal themselves as evidence of the fruit of the Spirit being fully active in a heart and life.  I wonder, is it fully active in mine?  Do the muscles reveal strength?  Or is there a bit of “jiggle”.  Are there signs of weakness?  If I fail to continually, and regularly work that muscle group of my soul, I will begin to weaken.  So much so that an attack from the enemy may lay me out for days.  Perhaps even weeks.

My constant prayer is to be used of Him.  If I am going to be used, I must be in good shape.  I am working on the spiritual and the physical.  I need strength and endurance in both areas of my life.

What about you?

Has your exercise equipment collected the week’s worth of laundry?  Is your Bible collecting dust?

Are your running shoes barely worn?  Are you feet shod with the preparation of Truth?

Do you know more about the characters on TV than the disciples in the Bible?

Time to weigh in and evaluate your life.  It’s hard to stand on the scale and look down, but it will be harder to stand on His scale and look up.  I don’t want to be found weak or lacking in any strength He had ready to give me.  I am seeking it all!

Trusting Him,


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10 thoughts on “Muscle Bound Woman of God

  1. Debbie

    Unfortunately, my muscles are partially atrophied and my running shoes are only sorta used. Thanks for this kick in the pants. My time in Bible reading and prayer have been sporadic at best. I think I will get off here and read my Bible and pray. I know I will have many regrets when I stand on the scale and look up to my Lord but I can make them less by being more faithful in by time spent in the word and communicating with my Lord and with my Abba Father.

  2. eph2810

    Hm – yeah, my house is not in tip-top shape because I am too worn out by the end of the week…

    My spiritual walk, well, my prayers are daily, but are they long enough? Not sure…

    Thank you Angie for the marvelous analogy of getting fit in both areas…

  3. Kathy Charest

    Thank you Angie, I think when we think of standing on “His scale and looking up”, we are all lacking in spiritual fitness…

    Have a beautiful day!

  4. LynnLynn

    Time to weigh in and evaluate your life. It’s hard to stand on the scale and look down, but it will be harder to stand on His scale and look up. I don’t want to be found weak or lacking in any strength He had ready to give me. I am seeking it all!

    Amen, Ang…

  5. LaurieLAURIE

    Angie … wonderful thoughts today. I too am old, tired and weary and my body often times reflects exactly what I have put into it or the lack of what I have put into it. Not reading our Word and spending time with Him also has this same effect. Thanks for the challenge today! -Laurie

  6. LindaLinda

    That is so true Angie. I’ve had a busy few days, and as is often the case (I’m ashamed to say) I neglected my quiet time. I feel empty and distanced from the Lord and it isn’t good. I need to spend time with Him and be renewed.

  7. Bernadine

    Wonderful thoughts for today Angie. This summer I’ve been making a marked effort to spend more time in His word and in prayer however, there is always room for improvement.
    Thanks for sharing.

  8. Karen

    My Granddaddy, who lived to be 93, always said to listen to your body and it would tell you how to take care of it. He followed the Lord for 76 years and knew that your heart would tell you when time spent with the Lord was lacking.

    To be the “Muscle Bound Woman of God” you wrote about, we have to listen and obey….I am reminding myself of this……

  9. BP

    I enjoyed your thoughts.
    This is a good question:
    Do you know more about the characters on TV than the disciples in the Bible?