The Peace of Christmas

It has already begun.

Merry-Christmas-christmas-32793663-1280-800You know what I mean. The race has begun to get it all finished. Just 23 more days until    Christmas. Many of us are already stressing over how we are going to get it all done in such a short time.

Tree trimming, present buying, gift wrapping, card writing, cookie baking, and on and on.

When baby Jesus was born, He was called the Prince of Peace. But it seems to me, that PEACE has absolutely nothing to do with Christmas anymore. All of the hustle and bustle has got so many of us all up in arms, and instead of peace, we are filled with anxiety, stress and depression.

But Christmas does not have to be like this. Simplifying your list may bring back more joy and peace. We have opted this year to not do any gift giving. At first I was like WHAT! But after thinking about it awhile I realized that perhaps our focus has been more on the gift giving rather than the gift of living.

Living a life of peace is a choice. Nothing can rob us of our peace. God wants peace to be the fabric of our being, He wants peace to be the center of our Christmas, just like it was in the stable.

True peace is a calm assurance coupled with a quiet joy that God has our life under control and that He is continuously, yet mysteriously, working to accomplish His purpose. God knows all about our unfulfilled desires, our broken dreams, our disappointments, and our defeats. He can bring about peace in our life in the midst of these challenges and He longs to do that for us, not only during this Christmas season but all of the seasons of our lives!

Philippians 4:6-7 says,

“Do not be anxious for anything but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

Peace is the greatest gift you could receive this Christmas. Jesus Christ, our Prince of Peace, has already wrapped this great gift and it just waits for us to open it.

What are you waiting for?

3 thoughts on “The Peace of Christmas

  1. Gloria PowellName *Gloria

    Just thinking of the PEACE of Christmas, and what it really really means to weary hearts just makes me want to praise the Christ of Christmas. PEACE is one of His gifts to His children, Blessings Gloria

  2. Iris

    So true, Laurie. We often forget that the Christmas time is about Christ and the peace He gives to us. May I focus on the peace of Christ this joyous season.

  3. bp

    It’s easy to lose our focus as we get busy with other things. He is my Peace, I’m thankful.