A Peaceful Reminder

Ever had one of those days when all you wanted was a little peace?

Last week, I needed just that.

Peace please!

My plate was full, and for someone like me that’s not good. I like to go slow. I like a lighter plate. I’m easily content with less, not more. However I had things I needed to accomplish. Things I couldn’t put off. And I thought I was ready to get busy and tackle my list. Instead I found myself stuck not knowing what to do first. Doing nothing, when I should be doing something. It felt like too much. The tasks seemed too big. I feel unqualified. Fear and doubt knocked on my door. I answered. Soon I shut them out again.

One particular day felt extra hard. I kept thinking, I just need peace, as I ran my errands.  Regardless of how I feel, somehow, some way I need to pick up the pace. I need peace to keep moving forward. Peace. Please!

When I finally got home at noon and opened the slider glass to let my dog out, I noticed something happened while I was out and about. Not only did we get a light dusting of snow,  we also had some visitors.

Morning doves. Sweet ground feeding birds. They come to eat when all is calm. Obviously, all was calm because they left feet prints galore, all over my back patio.

When I needed a little peace, God came through in a beautiful way.

He sent doves to leave me “peace” marks.

They worked too. I needed the reminder of where my peace comes from. And I even got a few things done!

Father God, Thank You for sending doves to remind me I need You. I can have Your peace anytime, day or night, busy or not. No matter what is going on around me, show me Your love. Thank You for the peace of the dove. Thank You for the Holy Spirit that reminds me of truth when I need it most. I love knowing You care enough to capture my attention, especially when I’m not listening. I eventually figure it out and refocus on You. You amaze me, Lord. I love You. In Jesus’ name, Amen..

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7(NIV).

Have a peaceful day,
Tiffany at Tea with Tiffany

9 thoughts on “A Peaceful Reminder

  1. Iris

    Oh, how often do I feel like my plate is too full. When I get to flustered, I stop, go into “time-out” for a few minutes and say a quick prayer — most days it helps me to calm down.

    Thank you for the reminder that true peace comes through Him.

  2. LindaLinda

    I am much the same way Tiffany. I can just go for so long without slowing down and having a bit of peace and quiet. But Jesus has promised us peace in the midst of the storm, and He faithfully comes to us even when we have too much to handle.
    Thank you for this.

  3. Jan Parrish

    I like to run fast and hard with little breaks in between. Isn’t it amazing how differently God made each of us? And how He answers when we least expect it.

  4. Bernadine

    So thankful than in those times when we feel a bit overwhelmed God gives us a sign to show that He’s with us. Thank you for sharing this.

  5. bp

    Awww, isn’t God just so good! I love those special little surprises He sends as answers to prayer.
