Famous Last Words – Part 1

On Sunday morning, my friend Andy shared a simple yet profound message based on three words.

“Father, forgive them…”

In noting these words Jesus spoke while on the cross, Andy described this prayer, encouraging us to pray the same. This prayer was:

  • Persevering prayer –We need to continue and not grow weary. 1 Thess. 5:17
  • Trusting prayer –During our “losses and crosses,” we need to trust the One we pray to. Rom. 8:15
  • Loving prayer – Our prayers must be focused on THEM. We need to pray for our enemies as well our dearest ones. Matt. 5:44
  • Forgiving prayer –Jesus prayed for His tormentors IN the pain. He didn’t wait until He rose, until He ascended, OR until they asked for His forgiveness! Eph 4:32
  • Victory prayer – It is finished! John 19:30

In life and in death, even in suffering, Jesus set an example for us to follow in His steps. “To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.” 1 Peter 2:21

I was reminded of an event that happened when Tony, my fiancé, and I were engaged. I woke up in the dead of the night. I’m not sure if it was a dream, or just a sense of urgency. But a Scripture verse was lodged firmly in my mind. “This kind can only come out by prayer.”

Now I knew the context. The disciples couldn’t cast out a demon, and in this verse, Jesus told them why. But the message for me related to my dad and his lack of faith. I felt that God was saying that my dad’s unbelief could only “come out” by prayer. It was an urgent call from God to pray for my dad.

These were the days long before cell phones, but there were answering machines.

I was terrified that I’d fall back asleep and forget the message. So I called Tony’s office number and left a message there. That way I wouldn’t wake anyone, but I was able to tell someone.

The next day, I got a call from Tony.

Every morning, he read his Bible and daily devotion. And that day, his devotion focused on Mark 9:29 which says,

“… This kind can come out only by prayer.”

An hour later, Tony went into the office and heard my message!

Well, after that experience, I prayed fervently and frequently for my dad’s salvation. I knew that God had spoken, and I needed to be faithful and persevere in prayer.

And then, weeks went by. And months. And I became less fervent. Until I’d remember His message. Then I’d pray again with fervency. Only to fade out again and again.

God did answer my prayer.

Twenty-five years later!

I’m so thankful that God perseveres even when I miserably fail. But I’m encouraged, and I hope you are too, that God works in and through us. And when we fail, it’s only ever one step back to the right path, to renewed passion.

His final prayer was persevering, trusting, loving, forgiving, and victorious. And He invites us to follow His example.




5 thoughts on “Famous Last Words – Part 1

  1. Luwana

    I think God has things “in the works” a long time before they get answered. I saw the events of many years come to a culmination of my father’s surrender to Christ. Even if we aren’t always fervent, God is hearing.

  2. Jo Davis

    God’s timing is always perfect! I’m sure the 25 year wait was hard, but what a blessing when your dad found the Lord! I’m so thankful for God’s patience and encouragement along the way!

  3. Katie Sweeting

    Thanks for the encouraging word, Susan. And even when we don’t get the answer we so desire, we still need to trust Him.

  4. Pingback: Famous Last Words – Part 2 – Laced With Grace – Christian Devotions