Planting in Tears

Planting in TearsAs many of you know, I have been going through a rather stressful and painful time. But, God, as always, has been faithful on this journey and has been encouraging and strengthening me all along the way. He has opened my eyes to new truths in His word and I can feel my relationship with Him deepening. The new Christian friends He has brought into my life are a great source of joy. I know I am not alone and He is making sure that I’m aware that He’ll never leave me stranded.

God cares about what I’m going through and He cares about what you are going through, too. We can trust that He never, ever wastes a hurt. I truly believe that He uses everything to work together for the ultimate good in His plan. Still, I think to myself, “What will come of this?” and “How can God use me, a woman who so desperately wants to do something meaningful for Him, but is in the middle of just learning how to get up and breathe each day?”

Then, I read such an encouraging word: “Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy. They weep as they go to plant their seed, but they sing as they return with the harvest.” (Psalm 126:5-6)

This time in my life is not a useless season of dryness! No. I know that God is using this trial to shape and grow me. He’s giving me new insights into His word and new levels of empathy for His children. Things that used to scare me before don’t even phase me now. I find that I am excited about the future and He’s placing a desire in me to step out and discover His plan for my life. Yes, even in this time of tears I’m excited about the harvest. I can’t wait to return with shouts of joy!

I don’t think God wants me to stop being productive for Him because I am in a trial. Instead, I think He wants me to use this time to grow, to learn, and to step out of my comfort zone. That courage I’ve been talking about all month is becoming more tangible. God is giving me the strength to face what is before me and to courageously step out for Him.

So, what’s next for me? I don’t know…but I have dreams! And with the help of God, He is showing me how to reach them.

Looking to the harvest,

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8 thoughts on “Planting in Tears

  1. Heather @ Becoming Titus 2 Women

    Amen!! For awhile it seemed it was trial after trial for me and my family. Test after test. At one point, I told God I did not want anymore tests or trials. I was just in pain and wanted to see some good! Thank God He doesn’t always give us what we want. He has been using the tests and trials we have been through to reach others. He’s a good and faithful God!! Thank you for sharing Joan and I will pray for you!

    1. JoanJoan

      Hi Heather!

      God is always faithful and he has already been using this challenging time to grow and shape us! I know that He is also using it to reach others! He will always bring good from “bad” situations!

      Blessings, Joan

  2. Libby

    Joan, I so identified with you tonight as I read your most recent post. I don’t know what has happened to put you in this period of trials, but as you, God has been sifting me and teaching me during a difficult time in my life as well. I so appreciate the scripture you shared and will hold it as my life verse for a while. Thank you for sharing from your pain, so that others may also experience healing.

    1. JoanJoan

      Hi Libby!

      I’m so glad this post was an encouragement for you. I take comfort knowing that God sees everything and He knows my heart. He’ll use this time in me and in you and bring something good from it. He always will for He knows the whole plan, not just the part we are seeing today. I’m looking forward to what He has in store for me, but in the meantime, I’m allowing His hand to hold me up and shape me each day. Blessings to you as you go through this time!

  3. Iris

    Amen to that Joan. You have no idea how much I needed to read that today. You are right, we need to just trust Him and step out with courage. He will see us through.

    1. JoanJoan

      God never wastes anything…so we can be confident that whatever we are going through know has a purpose in His plan! That gives me courage to step out in faith!

      Blessings, Joan