Are you prepared?

I laid down my head on the pillow and listened to the pitter patter of raindrops on the roof interspersed with loud crashing booms of thunder. Despite the noisy evening, I was glad for a place to rest after a long day of studying in summer graduate school. I rose early the next morning to prepare for the day. After a shower and breakfast, accompanied by the constant raindrops in the background, I was alerted to the news on the TV downstairs. Roads were closed; the university campus had no power and the city was under 10 inches of rain.

No sooner had I heard this than I realized that my plans for the day had greatly changed. The water began to pour into the basement through an easement windowsill. With five people wringing out towels and dumping buckets, we fought for almost two hours against the foot of water surrounding the house, seeking a way in. Thankfully, we were able to abate disaster and keep the water away from anything valuable and any carpeted areas.

As the stories began to get crazier and crazier (escaped Polar Bears and seals swimming in the streets), we all began to wonder how in the world we could have been prepared for this. The insurance agent conjectured that most people in this environment probably didn’t have flood insurance because it isn’t a common occurrence or concern. Could we have done anything to prepare for a disaster like this?

I don’t know. I’m not an insurance salesperson or a lawyer, so I rarely look into the future and try to forsee disasters. I’m not sure if it’s wise to live our lives so that we’re always worried about the next possible tragedy that could occur. But, that doesn’t mean that we aren’t prepared. We might not have a backup power source or extra rations of food stored away, but are our hearts and souls prepared to handle disasters when they strike?

Remember when Jesus described the two kinds of men building their homes? One built on the foundation of sand and when the rains fell, the home was destroyed. But, the other man knew he needed to bulid on a solid foundation made of the strongest material available: rock. His house was not destroyed by the storms.

Notice: the storms came to both men. Both houses were battered by storms.

But one house was prepared for anything. Not because of precautions or preventative actions, but because of solid underpinnings. The wise man had a house that rested solidly on faith in the power of God and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. That’s the kind of preparation we need.

We can’t prepare mentally or spiritually for every challenge we’ll face in the future. We can’t always see how we’re going to get through those challenges when we’re faced with them. But, no matter what, if we keep our feet on the rock, our lives will not be destroyed.

What makes a foundation of rock in our lives? It certainly starts with a strong reliance upon Scripture for guidance and truth. Jesus is the Rock and when we seek Him regularly for support, He becomes our foundation. But, the greatest thing is faith: faith that God can work good out of anything and that He knows what He’s doing in our lives even when it looks confusing to us. Trusting in His good purposes makes us prepared for anything. Knowing that He’s by our side, we can face disasters without crashing to the ground.

How have you experienced Jesus as your rock lately?


3 thoughts on “Are you prepared?

  1. Iris

    I so agree, Heather. If we build on the Solid Rock, it is easier to master the storms of life. I know for myself, if I would have not have my faith, I would have drowned during the storms of the past months.

  2. Debbie

    There will always be storms in this life. And you’re so right; we need to be prepared. What better preparation than being strong in the Lord. Knowing Scripture and believing it; prayer, and drawing close to the Lord can prepare us to face most storms. The key is to abide in Him.

    Wonderful reminder!

    Blessings and love,