Pulling Up Roots

2014-05-20 13.21.39

I pass this tree when we go for our walk. At first glance it looks like a beautiful, flourishing tree, but appearances can be deceiving. In this case they are. It’s a live oak tree, yet not one oak leave is visible. It has been overtaken by an aggressive vine.

Almost imperceptibly, the vine began growing at the base of the tree. Left unchecked, it extended long tendrils that twisted their way up the trunk. They wrapped their way upward and reached out to envelope the branches. Gradually and inexorably it grew upward, covering every branch and blanketing the entire tree with its own leaves – choking the life out of the poor tree.

Over the winter the leaves turned color and died on the vine. I thought about bringing gardening shears with me and cutting them off at the base. I wanted to rescue the helpless tree. But even if I had cut every stem, it would have done little good. They needed to be pulled up by the roots. Short of that, there would be no way to get rid of them entirely.

The tree stands as a symbol of my own heart. If I am not diligent, little things creep in. Things not pleasing to God or good for me. Allowed to grow they will eventually work their way into every crevice and corner – choking out the eternal. It isn’t enough to cut them back a bit; they must be uprooted or they will simply continue to grow.

“If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear.” Psalm 66:18



6 thoughts on “Pulling Up Roots

  1. Marsha

    Excellent post, Lnda! I’ve been thinking along these lines myself. We have a lilac bush that won’t bloom because it’s overshadowed by a tree behind it that is choked out by honeysuckle and something with lots of briars. We’re thinking of cutting the whole tree down because it looks like a hopeless process to tangle it any other way, then dig out the roots of the honeysuckle and briar bush. It will be sad to lose the tree, but it’s been consumed and intangled for far to many years. Then there will be hope for the lilac bush. The analogy with being entangled and weeds sucking life out of us have been a constant reminder to pull the weeds in my own heart before they overtake me.

    Thanks again, Linda. Great post.

  2. Prdama

    sometimes even something so innocent, seemingly pure and beautiful can over take us like that tree… how sad a state for that tree because in the end that vine will be its demise. The same as sin within us- in the end it will be our demise.. Purify our hearts Oh Lord- let us be has pure as precious silver! Renew us through your Word and the presents of your Holy Spirit.

    Thank you for the reminder

    Your Sister in Christ Jesus

  3. Gloria PowellGloria Powell

    I must always be mindful to keep every root of bitterness, bad habits and anything that does not give honor and glory to God, cut out of my life by prayer and supplication to God for spiritual eyes to see the roots that do not belong in my life, Great post, blessings Gloria