Purpose in the Pain


“For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.”

Phil. 2:13 (ESV)


Athletes will tell you, pain is involved in achieving extraordinary feats of strength and stamina.  Mothers will testify- the discomfort, sickness and pain are part and parcel of  the course of childbearing.  Students who achieve an education will attest  that there was sacrifice, fatigue and pushing to attain their goal.

We are able to endure short periods of pain if we believe that in the end, the investment will yield a good outcome.  A  redemptive purpose.  Runners will often hit a wall before they get their second wind.  What keeps them going when ‘going’ seems impossible?  Determination.  Will.  Intent.  Purpose!

The seasons of life can be puzzling. We question- why does life have to be so hard?

No one knows the answer to all of the “why’s” in life.  But one thing I am convinced of- God has a plan for us.  He has a purpose.  He has a process.  Sometimes that includes encouragement, growth, blessings and favor.  Other times it includes disillusionment, despair and desperation.  We grow tired and weary.  It seems like too much and we begin to question.  Did I hear God?  Am I going in the right direction?

The working of God in our lives is always from His perspective.  He knows what makes us tick.  He knows the gifts and talents He has entrusted to us.  He knows how much we can endure and the things that will crush us.  He knows the validation we require.  He knows all of that- and incorporates it into His plan for us.   We are comforted in remembering  His yoke is easy and His burden is light!

When you are walking through seemingly impossible circumstances,  seek the purpose in your pain.  Look for the redemptive outcome of the trial.  God works in us both to will and to work for His good pleasure.  Sometimes in the pain, we must call upon our will to keep pressing in.  A will that is powered by the Holy Spirit.  Our working must line up with His will.

We can endure much if we just know that there is purpose in it.  And  if we just know that He is pleased with us.  That is why the enemy of our soul attacks our confidence that He is pleased with us.  The assurance that He has not forgotten us.

Whatever hardship you are walking through today, ask God to show you His purpose in your pain.    Always remember  that He is good.  Everything that happens to us will not be good.  Our performance will not always be good.  But God will always continue to be good.  We can endure knowing it will be for our good and His good pleasure!

Dear Lord, I pray for those that are walking through the fire today.  Strengthen them.  Multiply grace to them to both will and act for your good pleasure.  Show us the purpose in our pain and receive glory for yourself.  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.