Purpose with Detour

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” ~ John 14:10 (ESV)

It started all on Saturday morning. A sweet friend of mine had shared a devotion and her own thoughts on it…The devotion really hit a cord with me. Especially one part really made me think about my purpose in His kingdom:

“The Jesus way is that you obey God’s commands because you love God, not because you must obey God. By actively pursuing the purposes of God, you worship your Creator.” (emphasis mine read the entire devotion here)

Have I been truly seeking His will over the past months? You see, I have two issues I battle with (a lot). One of the issues is pride, but I have shared about that with you before. The other issue is insecurities, self-doubt.

I really struggled last year with continuing to blog. I was discouraged by many things. Server issues; some things that were said by the on-line community (I took the wrong way)…I said to God – ‘are you sure my blogging has a purpose?’

So I pursued other things. I am not saying that those things were bad. They were actually good things, ‘fun things’. But God has been nudging me in a gentle way. Until Saturday. After I read the above mentioned devotion and what my friend had shared with me, I started praying about my purpose in His kingdom.

Oh, did God had things to show me. I had things buried deep in my heart. Insecurities that I needed to just let go. I looked at things through my eyes; not through the eyes of my Creator, my God. I only saw what others were doing around me and their ‘success’ in His kingdom.

But can you really measure success and failure in His kingdom when you are pursuing His purpose? I don’t think so. In His eyes we are all a ‘success story’. Not for what we do in His kingdom, but what He already has accomplished on the cross for us.

All I know is that I LOVE God with all my heart. Through the power of His Holy Spirit I want to fulfill my purpose in His kingdom and serve Him daily. Sometimes it takes a detour to realize what your purpose is…

Lord of Heaven and Earth. I love You with all my heart and mind. Thank you for showing me what clouded my vision. Lord, help me to always keep my vision clear and fixed on the cross to see what my purpose in Your kingdom is. I trust in Your mercy. In the precious name of Jesus I pray ~ Amen.

My sweet sisters in Christ. We all have a purpose in His kingdom. Don’t let others cloud your vision to loose focus on what He has set before you.

Blessings on your day…

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16 thoughts on “Purpose with Detour

  1. Yvonne

    I needed to hear this. Just recently God gave me something to do and when I did it, I received all sorts of discouraging words. It was the right thing to do. God led me to know, just as you have written, that success cannot be measured by the approval (or disapproval) of others. What’s most important is to follow Jesus…no matter the cost.

  2. Sharon

    I have at times wondered if I had to have a purpose to blog. After all it wasn’t a “ministry blog”–or so I thought.
    In dealing with God I am made aware that my whole life is to be a ministry–thus I must glorify Him in every area of my life.
    He has used it to teach me alot about myself. Some of those things I am not to happy with–neither is He.
    But thank the Lord He is not going to give up on me.
    And—one day we will be perfect as He is!!!!!!!
    Bring it on!

  3. Denise

    For what it’s worth, one can write with the most eloquent and thought-provoking blogs, essays and speeches, etc. ever. One can be on the Best Seller list for months, perhaps even years. On the other hand, your writing can be filled witih grammatical errors, run on sentences and spelling errors too. Either way, if those words are not anointed, then they will not change a heart. I would encourage you to continue writing for His purpose and His glory. Trust Him with the results. Write on my friend! Write on!

  4. LynnLynn


    Did I need this today. Thank you. Wow and I am echoing Denise above.

    I praise the Lord for your obedience. I am a better person because you blog. Love you!

  5. Janna

    I am speaking on the “Power of Purpose” at a retreat tomorrow. Hmm…I didn’t think about including the detour! 🙂

    I suppose the bottom line is that we need to seek God’s will and not our own. He will show us what we are to do. Jer 33:3 says “Call to me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Keep seeking him as you are, Iris.

  6. Kim

    Me too Iris! Sometimes the devil tries to side swipe us and make us doubt, but God comes through always with just the right Word! Isn’t it interesting how you can struggle with Pride and Self Doubt at the same time?! I know I have! Thanks for the awesome reminder to me!

  7. Heather CHeather@mommymonk

    Iris, I’m on the same page with you. We wonder what our purpose is and we look for success, but when we’re just trying to follow His lead, life is simpler. Thanks for the reminder today!

  8. tnchick

    I like what Heather said, above… I agree with her – just follow His lead and stop lookin’ for the reason, the purpose, the success.

    I’m glad you’re still blogging because you often say things I need to hear.


  9. BernadineBernadine

    I’m so glad that you are still blogging and I hope that someday God will give you a little glimpse of how many lives you have touched directly and indirectly through your blogging.
    God bless

  10. Connie

    Have you read the book, The Shack? The reason I ask is…. when William Young wrote the book, no one would publish it…so he had some friends that helped.. and he self published… and now, some book stores cannot keep up with the demands…our Barnes and Noble cannot keep it in stock…It is a beautiful book about the love of God…it’s awesome…

    I often wonder what my purpose is.. and if I listen to the Father of lies… (John 8:44)… I don’t have one (Purpose that is)… but we know otherwise.. do we not..?

    You my friend… are beyond beautiful…. you are HIS…

    I love you… and these words… are so transparent..so real… and I thank you for opening up for us all to see…because we feel the same….behind the mask… we put on each day…

    love ya

  11. Ruth

    my friend….so refreshing to read your words. this is the very thing i have been wrestling with for a long while. especially this week though. WHY do i do the things i do and do the things i do make a difference in light of eternity? love you!

  12. AngieAngie

    I too have struggled with issues…only God can help us there. He brings them to our focus, helps us deal with them…and renew our love, trust, faith and hope. YOU, Iris shine for Jesus. I feel it on your blog, I hear it in your written word. There has never been any doubt in my heart or mind that your heart is running with all your might for the cause of Christ. You are His child, His servant, His light. Keep shining girl! I love YOU!

  13. Cheryl

    I have been there also. i tend to let others cloud my vision. I am thankful that we have a God that will be there and remove the cloud. I love your post today. Thanks!

  14. Marsha H

    Thank you for sharing your struggle with us. I understand the pride issue. It’s something I must commit to Him multiple times in a day.
    Thanks, Iris.