Put your boat in the water

I’ve spent a lot of time in different kinds of boats. Bass boats. Ski boats. Canoes. Pirogues. Everything from paddle boats to cruise ships. These different boats vary in size, shape, color, and purpose, yet they all have one goal in common:

To be in the water, but to keep any water out of the boat.

In the world, but not of it

Christians comes in various sizes, shapes, and colors too. God also has a unique purpose for each of us. But we all have one goal in common:

To be in the world, but to keep the “world” out of us.

You’ve probably heard a thousand times that Christians are supposed to “be in the world, but not of it.” But do you know what that looks like? How can we interact with lost people without being influenced by the unbelief and hostility towards God that is so prevalent in our culture? It’s a lot like a boat in the water. The boat is made to be out in the water – surrounded by water on all sides. But there isn’t supposed to be any water in the boat.

Unfortunately many of us Christians get it wrong. Some of us take our boats out of the water all together. Our intentions are good. We want to protect ourselves and our families from the sin of the world. But our lives have no impact on the lost world for Christ.

Others of us get out in the world but because we don’t protect ourselves from the influence of the world and guard ourselves against sin, we end up taking on water. The result is worldly Christians who bring dishonor to the name of Christ.

On the night Jesus was betrayed, He prayed for the disciples about this very thing. (See John 17:13-19.) Jesus asked the Father not to take His followers out of the world but to protect them from Satan and his schemes; to guard them from temptation. He also asked God to make them holy through the truth of His word.

Jesus’ prayer shows us two ways to be “in the world, but not of it.” First, we must guard our own heart and lives from temptation. Ask God to help you identify areas of weaknesses and then take steps to protect them. Find an accountability partner. Take things out of your life that constantly cause temptation.

Second, immerse yourself in God’s Word. Know the truth inside and out so you can recognize lies when you hear them. Obey what God shows you in His word so your life will be holy and above reproach. Then get your boat out in the water! There are some drowning souls in need of rescue.

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4 thoughts on “Put your boat in the water

  1. Kari Scare

    When I saw the title of this post on Twitter, I had to click and read because I gave a talk a few weeks ago on “Staying Committed,” and I used the analogy of “Staying in the boat” which means living life staying committed based on God’s Word. (I wrote about it the last two Fridays & will the next 3 as well.) I wish I would have thought of what you said, because it is so great and helps in understanding “in the world but not of the world” so much. We need to stay committed to Christ and not be dumping water in our boats. We need to stay in the boat and not jump into the water, which is the world around us. In order to reach the other shore and to finish strong, we need to stay in the boat and stay committed to him. I may link to this post in one of my 3 remaining Friday posts in my series if that’s okay.

  2. Kathy Howard

    Hi Kari! That’s a great message! Stay committed to Christ and His Word! We all need to hear that. Thanks for sharing. And yes, feel free to link to this post.

  3. Iris

    Beautiful analogy, Kathy. It is so true that we need to be still in the world and not take out boats out of the water.