
Ever feel like you aren’t qualified to do anything great for God? I do. Especially on days when I compare myself to others. Comparing leads to a list of “I’m not’s.”

I’m not a college graduate.

I’m not a full-time working professional. Who’s going to respect me?

I’m not financially well off,  so my lofty goals and dreams are limited.

I’m not a young chick anymore. Fine lines don’t lie.

I’m not a good cook.

I’m not as talented as so and so.

I’m not as organized as . . .

And so on.

The bottom line is I’m ordinary.  I’m married with two kids. I’m a stay at home mom who writes and speaks on the side. I struggle to exercise regularly and I eat too much sugar. Simple things like watching birds and taking pictures of ladybugs are the excitement of my day.

I’m ordinary.

But there’s a good thing about being ordinary.

God uses the ordinary.

Want proof?

Have you read Acts lately? If not, read chapter 4 and see what happens to Peter and John when they are filled with the Holy Spirit.

In this chapter, Peter and John taught a group of listeners about Jesus. When questioned by the religious leaders, John and Peter were thrown in jail overnight. The next day, when questioned again Peter spoke boldly about salvation through Jesus. He didn’t seem to care what they did to him. He stood firm.

Here’s the verse that speaks life to me.

“When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus,” Acts 4:13 (NIV).

Why were leaders astonished? Because Unschooled Ordinary Peter and Unschooled Ordinary John’s teaching changed lives. Their preaching that day brought the number of men who believed in Jesus to about five thousand. See verse 4.

The necessary ingredient for these two ordinary men to make a difference? Being filled with the Holy Spirit and responding accordingly. For Peter and John, it was preaching the gospel. Not a watered down version to make others happy. They paid the price. For you and me, it may be something different. Something as simple as offering a helping hand to a neighbor.

Here’s what I’m learning–again:  When I allow the Holy Spirit to fill my “I’m not” heart, God can do extraordinary things through me, His ordinary.

Heavenly Father, thank you  for reminding me You use unschooled, ordinary people to change the world.  Fill me with Your Spirit today. I need You. Nothing less will do. I’m not living with the “I’m not” mentality one more day. Instead I’m living with You, the great  “I am.” Grant me the courage to live out my ordinary days with more and more of Your Spirit shining through. I want people to take note and come to know You, Jesus.  Amen.



Tea with Tiffany

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15 thoughts on “Qualified?

  1. eph2810

    Oh so true, Tiffany. When we start comparing ourselves with others (I do that too many times), I get discouraged. But like you pointed out, God uses the ordinary to do the extraordinary to further His kingdom…

    Thank you for the reminder this morning…

  2. Debbie

    Great Post, I needed this today.

    Being an ordinary homeschool mom, with a blog that is small and read by only a few, with no real influence on anyone outside my immediate family, with an extended family that leaves me out because I still have kids at home and their kids are all married and moved out, with a church that I love but some times feel left out of because of our “radical” stand on youth group, Sunday School, no dating, courtship and how we homeschool, I really needed to hear that God can and will and is using me. Maybe he won’t reach 1000’s through me but I want to be filled with the Holy Spirit, following his lead no matter where it takes us, and serving my family as he has expressed that he wants me to do.

  3. Kathy Charest

    Tiffany, I’ve been there many times. Then I remember that at this season in my life, God is using me to be a blessing to my husband. He has purposes for us in our daily lives, no matter our level of education or what we do on the outside…the work is inside. 🙂

  4. BP

    This really spoke to me today. I heard a lesson yesterday on the radio about the Holy Spirit that ties right along with what you shared.

    God bless you.

  5. LindaLinda

    I am one of those “ordinary” ladies too. I am so thankful that the Father makes something special of the ordinary.

  6. Kelly Lininger

    God has a purpose for all of us… And to Him our purpose is Huge… It’s glorifying to Him… I love the ordinary.. I love that through the ordinary we can see Him, we can worship Him, and we can help lead others to Him….

    Love love your post

  7. Pamela

    Knowing you almost all my life, you everything except ordinary. Your words are a gift and an inspiration. You are brave enough to talk about your faults and flaws, and you influence people when you don’t even know. That, my favorite friend, is not ordinary.

  8. Linny

    I had to tell you something I thought you would think was cool….my husband is a pastor and was googling Acts 4 and some other keywords (can’t remember what he said) and your blog post came up. He said it really helped him…thought you would think it was sweet. May your day be blessed. From Colorado, Linny

    PS The anti-spam word was: Forgiven (so thankful that I’m that!)