What’s your reaction to answered prayer?

It was a little after midnight and I was awakened to noises outside. As I became fully alert, I realized we were in the middle of a thunderstorm. I got up and checked on our son. Finding him sound asleep, I laid back down. The storm really picked up then, and I soon began to hear hail beating against our window. My husband got up to look outside, and soon after I heard little feet coming towards our bed. Our boy climbed in bed beside me and snuggled down into the covers. He told me he did not like the noises. As I held him in my arms, I told him “But we prayed for rain.” I told him how we still needed to be thankful for the rain even though there were also noises he didn’t like.

After the major part of the storm had passed and I got our boy back into his own bed, I thought about how many times we pray for things in life and complain about the answer God gives. Instead of appreciating the answer, we focus on what we don’t have or don’t like about the situation.

Maybe you finally get a job, but you complain that you have to work the night shift. Or after months of car trouble you get a “new to you” vehicle that is paid for and dependable but then feel jealous when you see a neighbor drive by in a brand new car. Maybe your house sells super fast and then you have to live in a temporary dwelling for an unknown amount of time, something you never planned. Do you give thanks that your house sold in the slow real estate market or grumble the whole time you are in the smaller dwelling because that was not part of your plan?

God can always see the whole picture. Sometimes He will answer our prayers and just send the rain. Often though there will be some hail stones and lightning along with it. We must learn to accept His answers and trust that He knows best. As it says in Matthew, “your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” (Matthew 6:8) Our part is to accept His answers and give thanks for the answers He gives.

(Also, if you have not heard the song “Blessings” by Laura Story, I encourage you to listen to it today. You can find it by searching online. The lyrics are powerful and go along with the thoughts I shared here.)

Have a day of blessings!

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6 thoughts on “What’s your reaction to answered prayer?

  1. Beth

    I’ve often had to remind myself that God does see the ‘big picture’, and I do not. Jealousy sometimes stabs my heart, and then I remind myself of all the blessings that God has bestowed upon me, and to be thankful for these–in all circumstances, not for all circumstances.

    The song by Laura Story?? All I can say is that the majority of my blessings have come through raindrops.

    Thanks for the great post!!


  2. Marsha

    Bethany, excellent example, Bethany. Love this post. Thank you for sharing what the Lord is showing you.


  3. JoanJoan

    A perfect word for today! So often we pray for something and then grumble at the answer. But you are so right! God sees the full picture and always does what is best! Thanks Bethany!

  4. Iris

    Amen, Bethany! Yes, we sometimes do not like the answers God gives to our prayers. May we be thankful for the rain, even if there is thunderstorms that come with it.

    I really like the song by Laura Story; they play it often on the radio station.

  5. Debbie

    What a wonderful example of how God answers prayer. Your son is learning valuable lessons from a wise mommy. And in the process you are reminding us grown ups too. Thank you for that.

    blessings and love,