Recognizing God’s Voice

“How do you know when God is speaking to you?” I would often ask my mom this question in my early years of being a Christian. I had no doubt that God indeed spoke to his children but I wanted to be sure I didn’t miss his voice.

My mom always gave me the same answer, said with perfect assurance, “Baby you will know!” At times her answer frustrated me because I wanted a formula for knowing, a way to say a + b = c, so yes it is God speaking to me.

Over the years as I grew in my Christian walk I came to understand why she didn’t give me a simple formula, there isn’t one. Jesus said in John 10:27 My sheep recognize my voice and they follow me.(Paraphrased the Message)

However as sheep the only way we can be able to positively identify God’s voice is by spending time in his presence. Consequently, just as a mother or father’s voice becomes so familiar to a baby that they can recognize it above every other voice so will His voice become familiar to us. It wouldn’t matter which method he chooses to use to speak to us we’ll recognize it.    To this end I keep the following in mind.

He will never tell me to do something that is wrong.

He will never tell me to do something that is against His word.

Has God been speaking to you lately?  Have you always recognized His voice?

4 thoughts on “Recognizing God’s Voice

  1. TiAnna Mae

    Amen! I’ll never forget the first time I heard God’s voice. From that point out, I started to seek it out. Like you said, spend time in His presence and in His word, and you will hear Him. Also, if you ask to hear Him, then He’ll show up. Lastly, sometimes if you’ve been a Christian for a while, the Lord will seem silent, but He’s there just trying to see if you can follow His word without having to hear from Him all the time.

  2. Iris

    You are right Bernadine; He will never tell us to do anything that is against His Word.

    Although I have never heard His voice audibly, He has directed me through His Word and through friends.