Reminder: God loves you!

Earlier this month my husband and I took a weekend trip for our anniversary. I’ve always had a sweet tooth, and when we are away on these trips I like to enjoy extra desserts we normally don’t buy. Friday evening after our yummy supper we were too full for sopapillas so I thought I’d wait and look for something Saturday afternoon. On Saturday we went shopping at the mall and stopped for lunch and later we went to some other shopping centers.

My husband asked what I had in mind and I really wasn’t sure. We looked in a bakery but none of their selections interested me. I said no to a frozen yogurt shop and really just wanted to hurry up and go find something before it got too close to suppertime. We got in the car and I told my husband all I really would like is a cupcake with buttercream frosting….something simple but it would taste so good at that moment.  I knew there were some cupcake shops nearby that he had found in his GPS.  We saw a Central Market located in the next shopping center so we went over there first. Never having gone to one of these stores, we weren’t sure what to expect.  My husband did say they were related to HEB where I shop at home so I hoped maybe we could find something sweet there to enjoy.

We went in the front door and made our way around the store. We passed the fresh produce section, aisles and aisles of organic goods, various trays of sample products, and the deli.  It seemed to go on and on, and then finally we came to the bakery. They had all sorts of breads and I saw some large cookies and muffins.  I continued looking for the cookies and cakes like they have in our store at home but to my disappointment, they didn’t have anything like that.

We walked a little ways further around the store and at the front near the doors came to the cafe area. To the side they had a case with several choices of gelato.

Then I saw it! There in the display glass was some cupcakes, some large and some regular size. I asked the price and if they had buttercream frosting.  The clerk said they did, and I grabbed my husband’s arm, laughing till I cried. I couldn’t believe that we’d walked over this big store, I was ready to leave and settle for an ice cream cone from the Chick fil a up the road, and then there was a cupcake which was all I really wanted anyway right there before me.  There were only a few, probably five at most. We made our purchase, and we sat down to enjoy my little treats.

As we left I thought about how really it was such a simple thing yet it reminded me of God’s love.  On that day I had been feeling down inside with many emotions weighing on my heart.  In that moment when I found the cupcake I was reminded of God’s love.  It felt like He had those cupcakes waiting at that store just for me on a day when I needed cheering up.

I’m so thankful we serve a God who loves us and cares about us.  He knows our thoughts and the things that weigh us down. He knows when we are sad and He cares.  It’s hard to imagine really that we each matter to Him so much, but it is true!  He cares for the tiny birds and He cares about YOU!

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?  Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?  Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” Matthew 6:25-27

Take time today to remember that God loves you.  If you look you will be able to find reminders of this all around you.  It may be in a glorious sunset, the sweet kiss of a toddler, a rainbow filling the sky, the smile of a stranger, a flower blooming in your yard, or maybe even a cupcake!

Have a day of blessings!

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2 thoughts on “Reminder: God loves you!

  1. Iris

    It is so true, Bethany. He knows everything about us, what is in our hearts.

    I am glad that you found something on your trip that delighted your heart.