Reminders that God is Faithful

My husband has a special hat that he wears now whenever he is outdoors. It is special in a couple of ways. First off, it is special because our grandsons associate the hat with Grandpa and want to wear it (to be like Grandpa) as often as they can. Another thing that makes it special is that it is a spf hat which means it shields the ultra sunlight waves when he is outdoors wearing it. And most important, this hat is special because it serves as a reminder of how faithful God has been to him.

This particular hat, my husband calls his cancer hat.

He doesn’t call it that because of any cancer that he had, but rather, he calls it that because it serves as a reminder of how God spared him of cancer when a threat of potential skin cancer popped up recently.

My husband works outdoors a lot and never wears sunscreen and certainly never wore a hat. So when an unusual spot arose above his eye and it kept growing, we became suspicious. And alittle concerned. A quick trip to a dermatologist confirmed the concern and after a biopsy came back we learned it was “pre cancer”. It was potentially to be found to have cancerous cells but we caught it in time before it became cancer.

God is faithful.

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” (Genesis 50:20)

Dont ever doubt that God doesn’t know what He is doing. He has a plan and His plan involves good things for us. While not everything is good that happens, we can still trust God because somehow He will use our situation for good.

The biopsy report could easily have gone the other way. But whatever the report, we were ready to stand on the promises of God and trust that He would see us through. And He didn’t disappoint us.

So, my husband now wears his cancer hat, not only to protect himself from the sun but also to remember how the Son protected him. We may not always see it, but even on our hardest days, God is there and He holds our hand in His.

My husband’s hat is our reminder, what reminder do you hold of God’s faithfulness to you?


@copyright2019 laurieadams

*find more of my devotions on Facebook @womentakingastand

3 thoughts on “Reminders that God is Faithful

  1. Luwana

    My husband and I have both had melanomas removed. Sun protection is a regular part of our lives. But we also need SON protection, that safety in knowing Jesus. He takes better care of us than our dermatologist ever could.

  2. Iris Nelson

    That is great that they have a hat like this these days. God has had His hand on my husband; although he is currently in the hospital, we know what God has His hands on him.

  3. Katie Sweeting

    Yes, so true. We need protection from the sun by the Son. Being fair-skinned myself, I’ve had several suspicious, pre-cancerous growths removed, but God is good. I use sunscreen daily, but I think I need one of those hats!
    Thanks for sharing this truth – Son protection!!