Romance Novel

Janelle sat mesmerized at the restaurant table; her heart began to pound as she caught a glimpse of him from across the room. As he stepped further into the foyer, perspiration beaded above her lip as she remembered his hungry kiss from last night. Her heart skipped a beat as she watched him shrug his suit coat from his shoulders. The memory of his strong arms caused a shudder to run the length of her body.

Oh Puhleese!

Yes, you guessed it. This is a paragraph from a romance novel. In my twenties I wanted to write romance novels. Remembering this time in my life and my silly ideas about romance and novels cracks me up. I didn’t even like to read until I was a young adult let alone write a book. More amusing, somewhere in my attic, stashed in a box is a chapter and a half of Janelle’s story. I chuckle at this oddity in my character, a desire to write.

What I find all together hilarious is the fact that I am not a writer by nature. I was never one of those girls who journal thoughts at age ten. I didn’t excel in English class with the exception of 10th grade. I was in love with Mr. Baggett and did all I could to impress. *grin*

In my twenties and thirties my dream of writing a novel disappeared in the busyness of life. However, when I retired from banking a few years ago, this odd compulsion to write began to reemerge. However, I no longer feel compelled to finish Janelle’s story. (Side note: I should finish it because I would really like to know if she and the hunk in the story get together.)

Today, I can see stories in everything. The ordinariness of life I find extraordinary especially when viwed through the eyes of God. Today, I LOVE to write. I am privileged to write down the accounts of God at work in the lives of people.

So, where in the world did this relentless desire to write come from?

The giver of this seemingly impossible fantasy is God. It is a God-given dream and I am telling you I could not have dreamt it up on my own.

It has lurked in the recesses of my heart for years. I would think upon it from time-to-time but never allow it to grow. My fears would surface; the enemy would trample my feeble attempts to breath into it new life. People would laugh at my dream when I was careless and mention it.

“What a waist of time,” They would tell me.

But today as I type these words I tell you this. The Giver of Dreams will not let me shake this desire. He says to me, “I will make the implausible, plausible. I will march ahead of you. I will give you my words. Be bold and courageous because you serve the living God.”

God has so much faith in me. I will have faith in Him. He will accomplish it. In fact, because this dream is so outlandish it will be God who is honored when it is achieved. Not me.

What is the dream God gave you? Do you remember the tiny yearning that lurks in your heart? Can you still feel an extraordinary desire you cannot shake? Is it to write? To sing? To be a leader? To be a teacher, an astronaut, a nurse, a doctor, a missionary? God placed that dream there and he has faith in you. It mattes not how impossible the dream appears. It doesn’t matter what your circumstances are today, what happened in your past. If you are dreaming along with God, He will accomplish it.

God has faith in you!

O Lord our God, Giver of dreams which are wild, incredible, and simply outlandish. Lord, lead us to achieve the fantastic. Let us soar with the eagles and trust you to make our dreams come true. May our accomplished dreams, bring honor and glory to you. In Jesus name we commit our dreams and our life to you. Amen.

15 thoughts on “Romance Novel

  1. eph2810

    Oh, Lynn. You don’t know what these words of yours mean to me. I too was never really a journaler, but I have the desire to share His love with us. Maybe, I should listen to His leading and not the snarls of the enemy.

    Thank you so much for sharing your ‘romance’ novel with us this morning.

    Be blessed today and always.

  2. Laurel

    Thank you for your words of wisdom on dreaming; not to give up on our dreams but to give God our dreams to take them beyond our imagination.

  3. Beth

    I have to agree with you, Lynn. As a matter of fact, I’m working on 2 books right now that I feel God laid on my heart. Talk about being scared! Holy Cow! But, I’m trying to be obedient.

    You can help me out, too. I’m running a survey (actually 2) on my blog, A Quest for Relevance. If any of you who are or have been a mother-in-law or a daughter-in-law would pop over and take the quick survey that applies to you, I would greatly appreciate it. (You can take both surveys if you qualify for both!) They’re at the top right of my sidebar.

    Many thanks!

  4. Sherry L.

    Lynn, I had JUST finished a prayer of asking to know God’s will for my next phase in life. This was perfect timing and just what I needed. Thank you!

    Please ENTER ME

  5. Elaine Olsen

    I have dreams that have lingered for a long season. God has shapd them over time and fueled my desire to see them come to pass. I had the opportunity of preaching about “longings and dreams” yesterday morning in Myrtle Beach, SC. The scripture text is Genesis 18:1-14, and I will be posting a mini-study on “The Promise of Eden” via my blog this week. I invite all to come over for a “pause” in the study of God’s Word.

    Thank you for sharing your dream of writing. I, too, hold a similar portion within.

    Be blessed and peace~elaine

  6. Julie

    This was so inspirational, thank you! It’s so nice to know I’m not alone. And that I’m not the only one who has been trashed for daring to share the “impossible.” But it feels so much better to try to live out the life God has planned for me, then to just give up on the dreams. Than

  7. Cheryl

    Your post are always inspiring to me Lynn! I think you are a wonderful writer. You have a natural talent. Thanks for sharing it! God Bless~

  8. Angela

    Lynn as I read this the tears started to flow. It was as if you were describing my inner most desires. I never viewed my desire to writ as being from God. I just saw it as a wishful desire that would never go any father than the stories and ideas I had penned on scraps of paper hear and there over the years. I never wanted to write and be in the public’s eye…I just wanted to say what was in my heart so that it might encourage another person. I often write cards and send them to people with out putting my name on them. I get such a blessing watching the joy on their face as they talk about receiving the card in the fallowing service at church. I have rambled on. Thank you for this devotion it has given me many things to pray about.
    Love and Prayers,

  9. LindaLinda

    I share your dream Lynn, and am so glad that the Lord has enabled you to realize yours. It is such a joy to be able to give back to Him the gift He has placed within you.

  10. Heather CHeatherC

    Lynn, you are a hoot! I want to hear more about that romance – and I’m not talking about the one with your english teacher! 🙂 Go after those dreams girl!

  11. Rosheeda

    Lynn, this is really timely. You know my dream. And sometimes I feel like maybe I’m lookin to do the impossible. This just confirms that I’m not. Thanks for sharing your heart,girl. You know I love you.


  12. Vicki

    His Spirit in you is what moves you to write, my friend. No eye has seen nor ear has heard – all the things He will bring to pass for those who believe and abide in Him!

    My desire to write grew from an inkling I felt at a very young age, and yet I kept it secret. My mother tried to squash my writing aspirations, and ridiculed me when she discovered my journal one year. But eventually God brought up this “desire” again, and spoke to me through Habakkuk 2:2.

    I long to see where God will lead me (and you)! Isn’t it exciting to know He can take a handful of words and render them effective in the life of another? I trust He will do that again and again as I surrender this writing desire for His purposes.

    Faith is believing without seeing, but we know that God already sees our future!