Running the Race

Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!
Psalm 34:8 ESV

It is that time of year again. My two younger children are running Cross Country with our homeschool group. This season always motivates me to get in shape. Early morning practices for the kids equates to an hour and a half of uninterrupted work out time for mom and dad. This season, it is really time to get motivated as I have registered my entire family to run the Reindeer Run 5K at SeaWorld in December.

As usual, I’m hoping this year will be different in that I will keep going after the cross-country season ends and the 5K race is over. In years past, I have managed to take a ten-month break from running. You would really think that even though I’m seeing results, such as loosing weight, faster times and an ability to run longer, I would not give up at the end of the season. Yet, if my past history holds true, I’ll have my running shoes hung up when I cross the finish line, while being greeted by Shamu.

Its funny how this scenario has proven true with Bible study as well. If I’m in an intense or deep study with some accountability, I study hard, memorize scripture and keep up with in-depth time in the Word of God. Once that particular study has ended, I tend to take a break. Thankfully, my Bible study breaks aren’t as drastic as l my run breaks. They do however sometimes slid into a quick reading of a chapter or two, a quick devotion here and there or a shorter and less focused time in the Word.

The truth is, Bible study is very similar to running. I have the tools I need to study effectively just as I have the tools to run effectively. For running, I need shoes, clothes and a good GPS watch to help track progress. Check. For Bible study, I need a good ESV Bible, prayer time and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Check. While an upcoming 5K race is motivation to get this running thing going, growing and developing my relationship with the Lord is motivation to get going with my Bible study time. I need to daily recall that motivation and make quiet time in the Word of God my first priority.

My prayer is that this will encourage you to keep pressing on with your study time as well. Even if you have been on a “break,” get back into it, dig into it…taste and see what God has given for you today in His word. Just as training your body will help improve your physical health, training your mind with the Word of God will improve your spiritual health. Your time spent studying God’s word will never be without purpose and will never return back void.

So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;? it shall not return to me empty, ?but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,? and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

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