Season of Glory

“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory,

are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory,

which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” II Cor. 2:18 (NIV)

Here in Florida, it has been spring weather for a couple of weeks. Oh! How I love the signs of new life- flowers, grass and trees budding ; and an explosion of tender, green color shooting up everywhere! It is easy to leave the doldrums of winter behind, in favor of sweet-smelling air and cool, gentle breezes under a canopy of brilliant sun. In moments like that, it is exciting to contemplate what is ahead.

Today, the Lord reminded me that although we expect to enjoy the new season, often we forget- for one season to begin, another must end. Change is difficult for a lot of reasons, but isn’t it incredible how the Lord makes the sunrise just as beautiful as the sunset? There is beauty in each time period because He is with us in each season.

Although many of us balk at change, the truth is, if we are not growing, we are dying. It is imperative that we continue to grow spiritually, intellectually and emotionally. Even with material possessions and fashion, to remain the same, is to become outdated and irrelevant in many ways. (Think bell bottom jeans, feathered bangs, and bag phones. ; ) You’re welcome.)

To keep our walk with Christ constantly moving toward His will for us, we should experience seasons of growth. Even in hardship and trial, we must stand on the promises in the Word:

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” II Cor. 4:17 (NIV)

It is called a “walk with God” because it involves constant following, constant choosing, and constant bowing of our will. But being available to grow, ensures us ever-increasing glory as He transforms us into the masterpiece He is perfecting for His glory.

When was the last time that your walk with God called for change? Major change? Walking with Christ, following in His footsteps, is an adventure. Just take it from Peter, James and John- following Him led them to death beds, seashores, and mountaintops. Seeing God’s miraculous, requires leaving the ordinary.

Basking in His glory, requires some treacherous climbs up a rocky mountainside. But in the end, it really is not about the small steps we take. It is about our obedience. It is about living all in, sold out, fully committed to His leading. The day by days steps, regardless of how safe or intimidating they seem, are about showing forth His glory in this Earth. It is about carrying out the Great Commission. And ultimately, it is about standing before Him and hearing the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joys of the Lord.”

What about you? Are you ready to commit, even if it means a change of seasons? Seasons of the unknown? Seasons off of the beaten path? Let’s pray together:

Father, thank you that you are constantly working in our lives, both inside us and in our outward circumstances. Thank you, that you are not random, but are always working for our good and Your glory. Help me to follow you into the season of spring, as well as winter. Help me to trust. Help me to be faithful and bow my knee in utter surrender. Work your transformation in me. And I will give you the praise for the ever-increasing glory. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

3 thoughts on “Season of Glory

  1. Iris Nelson

    I think that the biggest growth I have seen when walking through a season of hardship. Although I don’t like hard lessons, I know that God will work them out for my good.

  2. LaurieLaurie

    I’m preparing for such a season change in my own life, I’m trusting God for all that is to come because He sees so much more than my mind can even comprehend. He always knows what is best for me. ((blessings))

  3. Luwana Locke

    Some of the hardest changes have become the greatest blessings over time. Trust Him.