He Sees Your Heart

“But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.’”
~ 1 Samuel 16:7 (ESV)

Do you get intimidated by the talents and gifts of others? I have to admit – I do. I marvel at women who can do it all…Home-made crafts, home-backed cookies, home-made clothing. I think it is so cool that women can do that. It seems that God gave me two left hands when it comes to home-made things; well maybe for cooking – I am half decent in that department.

I remember years back I wanted to make a banner for our church to hang in the sanctuary. It seemed easy enough. I checked with a couple of ladies from church, got my supplies and went at it.

Let me tell you: it looks much easier than it is. Of course, I didn’t start with a small banner; no it had to be huge. My husband asked me what I was trying to do when when I got home with all my supplies under the arm. With a huge smile on my face I explained about my vision of a wonderful banner in purple. All he did was smile…

For the next three weeks I was at it. Cutting, sewing by hand (yeah – I don’t even have a sewing machine), tears running down my face. I had promised a purple banner, so I was going to make a purple banner.

Sometimes I get so intimidated by others, that I forget that God might not has given me a certain talent. I might not be able to be crafty with my hands, but I have different talents and gifts. I am unique to Him. He equips me with the talents and gifts He sees fit for me. Sometimes it takes me a little longer to understand how I fit in to further His kingdom.

Did I finish the banner? Yes, by His grace I did. I was ready in time for the banner to be hung. Will I ever again volunteer to make a banner?…No Way!!! I will leave that to the women who are much more talented than I am and who have sewing machines.

My sweet sisters, God gives all of us talents and gifts to further His kingdom. He knows our hearts that we are willing to serve, so He will supply the gifts and talents that are needed. Follow His lead and don’t get intimidated by the gifts and talents of others as I did…

Lord of Heaven and Earth. You know our hearts and willingness to serve You. Sometimes we get intimidated by the gifts and talents of others. Help us to see the ministries that are right for us. And thank You Lord for Your extra measure of grace when we need it. In the precious name of Jesus – Amen.

Photo & Content Copyright © Iris Nelson

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5 thoughts on “He Sees Your Heart

  1. Kris

    this I wonderful. A much needed reminder as it’s an easy trap to fall into, feeling like we should be serving other than who God made us to be! Thank you for this.

  2. Krista

    Wonderuful post Iris! Thanks for the reminder that we might not be good at something that someone else is good at, but we have different gifts and talents than they do! We all have something that we are good and and something that we arn’t good at.

  3. Patti

    Yes, God gave us all unique talents. I love your words, I am unique to Him. He equips me with the talents and gifts He sees fit for me. May we remember this. We are all gifted to serve the body of Christ in our own way.

  4. bethany

    Such a wonderful post Iris! Thank you for this reminder with your story that God has given us each talents and we need to use them for Him.

  5. Michele

    Great reminder, Iris! By God’s grace we need to focus on the talents He gave us….the comparison game is from the enemy to try to trip us up.