Setting higher boundaries

There is no question when the highway department puts up a roadblock what that means. For one reason or another, the highway department does not want cars to proceed. Usually it is because of road repairs, perhaps a “do no enter” sign is put up because of the danger that the construction underway presents. No matter what the reason, all vehicle drivers know that danger lies ahead if the boundary is broken.

Boundaries are never intended to be broken. Think about it; “swim at your own risk” is a sign found at the beach probably because someone broke a boundary and swam when they shouldn’t have …and drown, “No parking, violators will be towed” serves as a warning to prevent what has obviously happened before to other drivers and “Caution: falling rocks” is clearly a reminder that someone crossed the boundary and got too close to the rocks.

Boundaries can serve as a safeguard to keep us safe or it can serve as a way to keep us from harming others. A speed limit is a boundary that does both, it keeps us safe from other speeding drivers while at the same time keeps others safe from our reckless driving. We are introduced to boundaries and limits as young as infanthood with the bars on our baby cribs, which are intended to keep us in and keep us safe from falling. As we grow, we may find that some boundaries are quite uncomfortable or even unreasonable.

But as we grow, we find ourselves creating our own boundaries and some of those boundaries that we set become unhealthy. Have you ever considered the boundaries set before us by God? Yes, it is true that God has given each of us a free will to make our own choices but even God recognized the importance of healthy limits and boundaries.

“Command the Israelites and say to them, ‘when you enter Canaan, the land that will be allotted to you as an inheritance is to have these boundaries…’ ” (Numbers 34:2)

Even when God led the Israelites into the Promised land, He still set boundaries. He didn’t say to them, “you made it, now go crazy and do what you want.” God knew that limitations needed to be put in place in order to keep them healthy and safe.

When placing boundaries in our life; in our circle of friends, with our co-workers and even with our family, we must be sure of three things:

  1. Is the boundary keeping us safe?
  2. Is the boundary keeping others safe?
  3. Is the boundary keeping our relationship with God safe?

When our boundaries or signs of danger are not in clear view, disasters often follow. Guard your heart, your mind and your testimony by placing healthy boundaries strategically where they need to be. Look out for the danger signs, and always be on the look out for falling rocks; God’s boundaries serve as a safety net for you and me.

PRAYER: Dear Lord; thank You for the healthy boundaries that You set in my life. Help me to create healthy limits in my life to keep me safe and others as well. Most importantly that these limits will guard my relationship with You!” AMEN

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