Shh… There’s a Test Going On…

O God, do not remain silent;
do not turn a deaf ear,
do not stand aloof, O God

Psalm 83:1(NIV)

The teacher is silent during a test. I’ve heard this quote often in sermons and testimonies. The teacher in me recognizes the truth in the statement.  At the end of a school year when my students are being tested except for simple instructions, I am silent.

This is true, the teacher is usually silent during a test, but so is the student. Well, they’re expected to be anyway, although it’s not always the case.

I haven’t met many students who enjoy taking tests even if they were sure they knew the material.  However, some students handle the testing experience with more grace than others. They put their heads down and work through it.

Sometimes I remind myself of my students, the ones who get really squirmy during a test.  The ones who raise their hands and ask questions that I’m not at liberty to answer. The ones who sigh through the entire test period, make silly mistakes or even leave their pages blank because, “it’s too difficult.”

Periods of testing is a part of life we can’t avoid.  We experience hard times and we raise our hands and hearts to Jesus, the ultimate teacher hoping he will answer.  We want to know when our test is going to be over.  We want to know that we will be triumphant in the end.  We squirm and sigh and complain. Sometimes we simply take a seat and refuse to do our part. All of this makes our period of testing seem long and never ending.  Or, even worse, we have to do it over. In either case, you can’t pass a test withou actually putting in some effort.

During our tests our heavenly father is with us even when it seems as if He is silent.

I remember at times when my students were taking a test I was almost as anxious as they were because I wanted them to do well.  What teacher doesn’t?  I’d often go to their desk and give then an encouraging pat on the back or a whispered, “You can do it!” I couldn’t help them but I wanted them to know I was there.

Don’t give up half way through your test.  Your teacher has faith in you.  He has placed within you everything you need to succeed.  You may be going through the most difficult test you’ve ever faced.  Believe that He will see you through.  Remember that even if the teacher is silent, He is still present.  You are not walking through this alone.

10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

4 thoughts on “Shh… There’s a Test Going On…

  1. Iris

    Thank you for the powerful reminder that no matter what is going on in our life, He will always be there with us.