Yearning For the Other Side of the Rainbow

God’s given each of us a unique design and purpose for our lives. He’s written our story upon our hearts and woven it intricately into the DNA of our lives. I know first hand that can be hard to imagine.

I spent a good portion of my life believing there were things about me that would be better left unsaid, unknown and kept in the secret places of my heart.  I was stuffing myself into costumes and hiding the real me behind masks of my own making, believing I could make me into what I wanted to be without giving God room to work and show His glorious redemptive power.

I yearned for the other side of the rainbow. I wanted what I didn’t think I had.  I wanted a beautiful life, a life of adventure and purpose; a life of freedom from my past.

And so I dreamed of the other side of the rainbow.

I was the Scarecrow who wished he had a brain.  I sought after knowledge, new ways of doing things. I appeared wise in my own eyes, but I overlooked the truth that my life of chasing after rainbows and dreams that were not what God intended, only stuffed my life full of wood, hay and stubble – things that don’t last.

I  was the Tin Man who wished he had a heart.  I wanted to show love and be loved so desperately that I hid behind the mask of a person who got involved in acts of compassion, even sought after love, and yet I kept it at arms length. I was cold and distant.

I was the Cowardly Lion who wanted courage.  He showed himself as a bully as he tried to manipulate everyone so he could control the situation and appear like he was courageous.  Like me, he was filled with fears and doubts that prevented him from true courage.

There was one more mask that I wore – the clown/performer.  Just make very one laugh, or say and do what I thought they wanted to hear, and all would be well.

When I hid behind masks and stuffed damaging emotions deep inside, I thought no one sees and no one knows but me. I just went on my way, carrying it all alone, refusing to be open and honest because I was afraid of being rejected and judged.

The cruel words, the deep wounds, the lonely ache, the wasted years, lead to shards of a broken, shattered life; a life I thought could not possibly be redeemed.


Being rich in mercy chose to redeem every area of my life.  I just hadn’t realized it.  no longer needed to hide behind masks.  John 8:31,32 says, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.

Realizing that the power to “go back home” to be free, was already within me by way of the Holy Spirit was transformational.

God wants each of us to walk in freedom, fullness and fruitfulness.

Key Biblical Principle for Walking in Freedom
We don’t break bad habits, we replace them!  The empty places will be filled with something. Don’t allow the Enemy to fill it with something from his bag of tricks or another mask.  (Ephesians 4:22-24)
The steps are simple:

  1. Put off the old sinful ways.
  2. Renew your mind by meditating on God’s Word
  3. Put on the new God honoring ways and transformation will take place!

Are you yearning for the other side of the rainbow?  Are you wondering what God’s will is for your life?  Renew your mind. (Romans 12:1,2)

You are His workmanship, his poema (Greek for workmanship) (Ephesians 2:10).  Live your life according to the purpose He has created within you. Live and serve from your sweet spot. Lay down the masks and walk in freedom.





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3 thoughts on “Yearning For the Other Side of the Rainbow

  1. Iris

    It is true, Marsha, we try to put on masks to be accepted by others. May I let Him peel off every mask to help be myself; be the woman He wants me to be.

  2. LaurieLaurie Adams

    “We don’t break bad habits, we replace them!” – loved that statement! What a great devo and yes I think we all can say we are guilty of putting on masks from time to time, but God knows the real us, the real stuff, our real heart. May it be pleasing to Him. ((blessings))