Sincerely Devoted

Things that use to occupy my mind and catch my attention just simply don’t any longer. I suppose passing time has a way of exposing what is important and what isn’t. I have many experiences in my life that have molded me and opened my eyes, while it is important to me that those I surround myself with are sincere with me, nothing is more important to me than being a person who is sincere towards Christ.

(2 Corinthians 11:3) “But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ.”

Just as the enemy tempted Eve in the garden, we also can become tempted with the thoughts or feelings of making the wrong things take precedence in our life. Things (or even people) that we value more than our own relationship with Christ will only lead to heartache.

I wish that all of my relationships were sincere and pure. But truth be told, circumstances often dictate the presence of people in my life. Relationships are like a circle, when you are within the circle you can count on those around you. But, when you step away from the circle, the circle becomes broken. Many times when you change jobs, or churches or move to another city, those that you felt the closest to now feel the furthest from you. The sincerity of a relationship can be easily tarnished.

While everyone wants to be loved, accepted and not alienated from others, Paul drives home the very essence of what “sincere and pure” devotion looks like. When our circle becomes broken or misaligned, the center of our circle should still be focused on Christ, and not on anyone else. People will let us down but God remains rock steady.

What an incredible opportunity we have to serve God; unwavering and sincerely. Some things in life are just more important than others. Live your life sincerely devoted to Christ.

Blessings. Laurie

@copyright2019 laurieadams

One thought on “Sincerely Devoted

  1. Iris Nelson

    Powerful message, Laurie. You are right; people with let us down from time to time (or we let people down), but God is faithful to us. May I keep my eyes fixed on the cross.