Sing a New Song

It was a good thirty minutes past bedtime when I walked by my son’s closed door and heard a sweet sound.   “Waves of mercy, waves of grace…” he sang quietly to himself, not knowing he had an enraptured audience on the other side of the door.  At the age of four, he is too old to have someone sing him lullabies as he snuggles into bed, so instead he has learned to sing himself to sleep. 

He doesn’t realize it, but he has memorized quite a few verses this way.  When he feels afraid in the dark and he worries about bad dreams, he can sing “Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified.  Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you, wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9 

Or if you want to know the most famous verse of all, four year old style, you can hear him sing, “John 3:16 says that God so loved the world, He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall never perish but have eternal life!”  (He sang this to the astonishment of his older sisters who both had to memorize it without a lovely song to help them.) 

He’s still four though and his face is often covered in ketchup or dirt or dandelion dust and his pants are backwards (or his shirt) and he’s likely to have his shoes on the wrong feet.  Just the other day, I heard his daddy explaining to him how to recognize shoes that are on backwards.  After being told this daily, the little guy still doesn’t seem to get it, so daddy starts to make up a song.  “When the shoes are pointing out, that’s wrong, that’s wrong…” 

I smiled as I listened to my husband teaching my son by using the element that seems to touch his soul:  music.  Songs have embedded themselves in my little boy’s heart, but I know he is not unique in this.  Music touches our souls in a special way and it wedges itself in our minds quickly and easily.  Old songs recall special memories and little ditties get stuck in our heads.  Oh, the power of music.

I think of David playing his melodious calming songs for Saul, inviting peace into his tent.  And the day Joshua and his army broke through a city with the sounds of horns alone.  Or, the music that we will someday hear at the foot of the throne of God. 

My son sings at all times and in any place, but I’m a bit more reserved about making a joyful noise.  I know God may be pleased, but I’m not so sure if those around me will be.  The little boy’s exuberance and lack of self-consciousness give him the freedom to sing to Jesus wherever he is and whatever he’s doing.  On the swings, in the store, on his bed, in the car… not just in church. 

If it warms my heart to hear my son singing songs of praise, imagine how pleased God must be when we sing unreservedly to Him, worshipping Him wherever we are!

So, sing a new song today.

5 thoughts on “Sing a New Song

  1. MicheleMichele

    The Lord says to make a joyful noise… He never said to be on tune! Praise the Lord for your son’s boldness.

  2. Debbie

    Great post,
    I have a boy, now 12 years old and we often chuckle hearing his sweet voice singing to himself and God in the shower or while playing with his Legos or just anywhere, anytime.

    It is great that they can be taught the word of God and learn to praise him in song from such an early age.

  3. LaurieLAURIE

    What a wonderful thing to hear about your son singing praises. My guess is he has heard that example from his Mom? Just think how proud you were to hear it … how much more God was pleased. Thanks for sharing with us today. -Laurie

  4. BP

    This made me smile. I have a four year old too who is constantly singing, some are real songs and others are made up words. I love it as his Mommy, thanks for pointing out how this makes God smile!