Slow down…

“Miss M, I’m done!”  When I hear these words from certain students I always give a big sigh because I know what’s coming.

Did you check your work for mistakes?  Did you do it neatly?  Are you sure everything’s completed?  After I’ve finished giving my third degree some students will immediately go back and recheck their work.  However there are some who will insist they are finished and bring their books up to my desk  By the time I’ve read the first few lines in their book I can usually find some mistakes and there begins my, “Stop rushing your work!  What’s the point in finishing first and getting an F, lecture.”

For some reason everyone wants to finish first but for some of the students in my class finishing first brings about a “do over,” because if I spot enough mistakes that page is torn out and they get to start over which sometimes means no recess.  Yes, there are penalties for hurrying in my class.

Many times we are just like those impatient little children.  In our fast paced world it’s sometimes difficult to slow down.  For some reason everyone seem to be in a big rush.  In our age of microwave dinners and quick fixes we want what we want, when we want it and how we want it.  However, there are times when God simply wants us to slow down.  He wants to speak to us, spend time with us but often we are so busy doing his work that we don’t take the time to listen.

So for today, take a moment, relax, reevaluate, God isn’t keeping a record of who finishes first, but he does want us to do our best. 

being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.  Isaiah 40:30-31

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7 thoughts on “Slow down…

  1. Joyce

    I learned that in college. I remember the first essey exam I took. About 20 min. in the 1 hour and 15 min. time period a group of students got up in mass saying they were done. I was only on question 3 of 7 questions. The prof. told about 5 of us to put down our pincels and take a breath. Then He told us that more than likely those who got up did not study for the exam and for us to pick up our pincels and continue on. The verse in Isaiah is one of my faviortes. The race will not be won until Jesus comes back for His chosen ones.

  2. denise w

    I think the body of Christ would do well to consider that we are not in competition with each other. I have learned a long time ago that I can grow and mature in Christ at the pace HE sets for me… sometimes something will spur me on at a quicker pace but I always pray and find the pace that is right for me…….. I think I have learned more than when I was running………

  3. LindaLinda

    I just bought a book by Elisabeth Elliot – The Quiet Heart. I was drawn to the title. I think we are blessed when we can take the time to slow down and quietly come before the Lord. I need to do it far more often than I do.

  4. LynnLynn


    We serve a God who is slow…. He is slow on purpose for so many good reasons… Great post…. Love and hugs, Lynn

  5. eph2810

    It is so true, Bernadine. We always just rush, rush…rush. I know it is true for me.
    Over the last several months I have made sure that I take me time in the morning with the Lord. Although I would love to read a chapter a day in my Bible, I have learned to pace myself…So His Word sinks in and not just reading it. Does that make sense?

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on slowing down.

    Be blessed today and always…