What song are you singing?

photo by Kathy Herman

It is spring in Texas, and the birds are happily singing their little songs.  We like to watch them through the back window as they sit in the trees or hop down to the ground where they find things in the dirt.

As I hang clothes on the line to dry or water our garden, I notice the sounds of the birds in the trees all around me.  It is a pretty sound to hear them all together.  I did a little bit of research on bird sounds and found that their noises are a way they communicate with each other, often the male birds trying to attract a mate.  As I listen I notice how they all seem to be singing something different…tweets, chirps, caws, honk….none of them quite the same.

 This reminded me how each of our lives sings a different “song” and each of our “songs” tells a different story.  In reality sometimes we try to make our own “song” be the same song someone else is singing.  We may admire someone and the work they are doing, so we try to emulate them.  We may think what they are doing is really important and touching a bunch of lives from our viewpoint so we start trying to match what they do.  It’s important to remember that we have our own “song” to sing in this life though.  

God gave us each our own song, our own life story, our own talents and gifts.  It may feel to you that your “song” is ugly and worthless;  you may wish you had a more attractive “song” to share.  But God gave you that particular “song” for a purpose.  Someone may be listening and watching you who can learn from your song what they would not be able to learn if you were only copying the song of someone else.

We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.  Romans 12:6-8

Just as the birds are all different in the sounds and songs they share, we each are given our own “song” by God.  Be thankful for your “song” and sing it for Him each day!

photo by Kathy Herman

 (Special thanks to author and friend Kathy Herman for allowing me to use her photos in this post.  These are her images, and I appreciate her letting me use them in this post.)

Have a day of blessings!

2 thoughts on “What song are you singing?

  1. Michele

    When we focus on the song the Lord has given us, it takes away the distraction of comparing ourselves to others!

    I too love watching the birds and I used to long for all the “pretty” birds and less of the common sparrows. One day as I was watching some sparrows out the window I was reminded of a line from an old hymn “His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me”. What a blessing to know that He watches over us as He does the sparrow.

  2. Iris

    You are right Bethany; we all have our own song. May we all let our God-giving gifts shine.

    These are indeed beautiful photographs – thank your friend Kathy from me as well.