One Soul at a Time

When our son was young, we affectionately called him, “Recycling Boy”!  It was his job to make sure all of our recycling was taken out and put into the proper bin.  Occasionally, (ok…more than occasionally), as I was cleaning the kitchen, I would call out, “Recycling Boy!  I need you!”  He would then come, like any super hero would, and obediently take all of our plastic, aluminum and glass to the garage for the weekly pick up.  It was important, we told him, not to be wasteful.  Recycling could turn a used, dented and dirty soda can into a brand new one.

Recycling today is something we do almost without thinking.  City workers come by each week to pick up our discarded items to be salvaged and reconditioned.  But, long before we were in the habit of recycling, God was in the business.  It was His plan from the beginning!  We can rejoice today because He’s been saving the planet one soul at a time.

“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

There isn’t one person among us who can say that they’ve never done anything wrong.  Sins from our past have tarnished our hearts and brought an ugliness to our lives.  Some of us may be thinking that the things we have done and said are too much to be cleaned, too wrong to be forgiven.  But that is not the case.  None of us are beyond the transforming hands of God.  He can and will forgive any who come to Him with a contrite heart.  God loves to recondition our broken and tarnished souls creating new, clean vessels though which His love will shine.  All we need to do is humble ourselves before the Lord and ask Him to change and forgive us.  When we do, the transformation is amazing!

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10).

All of us can be made new when we give ourselves to Jesus Christ.  He is the Great Recycler, who gave His life to save so many.  Once we offer ourselves to Him, He will change us into new creations.  Our lost and lonely souls can be recovered and turned into beautiful, new lives ready to be used by Him.  I am so thankful for that!  The things of the past are no more and we can bravely step forward into a new future with Him.

Recycled by Him,





2 thoughts on “One Soul at a Time

  1. Iris

    So true, Joan; no one is beyond His grace. I too am glad that He was able to recycle me and continues to turn me into something new.