Stage Fright

You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.

Matthew 5:14 NKJV

If I were to tell you that today you would be on stage, standing before tens, even hundreds of people watching your every move, how would that make you feel? Would you be frightened? Would your heart begin to race? Would your hands get sweaty? What if I told you that you are on stage before people every single day?

While at Disneyland this summer we took a ride on a double-decker bus down Main Street. As I stepped up onto our bright and shiny red ride, a small metal box mounted on the wall caught my eye. It was the counter that the bus driver used to keep the numbers of his riders each day. However, it wasn’t the counter that had my attention, it was the handwritten message that had been taped to the front of this box. “Smile, you’re on stage!” in pen, was there for this employee to see each time he added numbers from his ride.

For anyone who has had the joy of being in Disneyland, you know first hand that it’s not only the rides, but the people who work there that make your experience something that you’ll never forget. No doubt, the employees are reminded on a daily basis that they are to smile, that they are forever on stage for all of us visitors to see. It got me to thinking that as a Christian, we too are on stage for the whole world to see.

How many mornings do I greet my family with a smile? When I get up on stage before my husband, my children, my friends, my co-workers, do they see in me a person who reflects the light of Jesus? As a Christian, we have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, a supernatural deposit of our Saviour. People should see that there is something different about us. When we are at the mall, at a restaurant, or just within the walls of our own home, we need to remember that we are on stage for all to see. God didn’t save us in order to hide us. He saves us and gives us a glorious hope so that we can go out and share our experience of Him, our glorious regeneration with the world, for all to see!

So today, whether you suffer from stage fright or not, remember to “smile, you’re on stage”. Thankfully, whether your audience is small or large, it’s the standing ovation of ONE, and His applause, that will make all the difference.

11 thoughts on “Stage Fright

  1. Marie Kelley

    I LOVE to read your posts!! They enlighten AND encourage me so much!!
    Ironically, my anti-spam word was HOPE!! And this is very much what I have to have during this rough period in my life!! That and FAITH!!

  2. LynnLynn


    You are absolutely right. I realize that there are so many around me who are watching. My husband, family…. It can be a heavy burden to know I am the only Bible they will read. But, it is also an amazing privilege. Great post. Hugs.

  3. Shoua Lo

    What a great illustration. I love that. Recently I stopped at a gas station to pump gas, and I saw this label that says: “Smile You’re on Camera” than it says something to the fact that they see us and we should not run without pay.

    I hated that because I don’t steal, more over, I don’t always look ready to be on camera and don’t like to get my pictures taken.

    Anyway, I wonder when we do things, do we realize that we are always on God’s camera?

    Thanks for making us think.

    God bless!

  4. Ayanna

    What an awesome message…..very encouraging as my daily prayer is for others to See the Light of Jesus in me and that I be able to share His love with others. The sentence that will stick with me is “Jesus didn’t save us to hide us”. God Bless you!

  5. Mari

    Another great post, Joanne. This is actually something I strive to do. I don’t always succeed, but when I’m gone I’d love for people to say that I smiled a lot and helped bring happiness to others. After all – we Christians have a lot to smile about!