Stepping Stones

In life there are stepping stones much like those meticulously placed in ponds and streams by landscape architects and gardeners. They bridge the gap between one piece of solid ground and another. Recently, I have found myself standing on shaky ground. A loved one is going through a serious health concern and because of that I have come face to face with the fragility of life. It is in times like these that my stones of faith have been laid. Each stone represents an experience in life, a lesson learned, and a step of faith. And each stone has carried me to a place of deeper fellowship with the Lord.

We shouldn’t be surprised when difficulties come our way, but instead, consider them times to better learn to fully depend on Him. When we realize that each of our trials is an opportunity to see God at work and to be a witness of His greatness for others, our faith is grown and His glory shared. “In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith – of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire – may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed” (I Peter 1:6-7).

Our response in times of trouble is crucial. It is not the time to waiver in our faith, but instead, to turn to Him for support and direction. It is easy to try to depend on our own strength, but we will find that by doing so our efforts are fruitless. We will sink in the stressful moments that are sure to come our way. But, God offers calm in the midst of the storm and stepping stones in the middle of deep waters. “Jesus stood up and commanded the wind and said to the waves, ‘Quiet! Be still!’ Then the wind stopped, and it became completely calm”(Mark 4:39). And in those calm moments His loving strength is revealed. When we focus on Christ, He will show us the higher ground which leads us over the water.

Are you going through a situation in your life that you can’t handle on your own? Then look to the Lord. He longs to comfort you and bring peace into your life. He is strong enough for all your burdens! With each trial you give to Him, He will lay another stepping stone before you upon which to firmly place your feet while you travel through deep water. I am praising God for the stepping stones of my faith, each lovingly and beautifully placed by the faithful hands of Christ.

Living for Him,




You can read more of Joan’s devotionals by visiting her blog, The Beauty in His Grip.

4 thoughts on “Stepping Stones

  1. Marsha

    Encouraging post, Joan. You are correct in saying our response in times of trouble is crucial. It actually shows us what we believe and hold on to. That’s one of the reasons its important for us to be in the Word and growing in our faith.

    Thanks, Joan.

  2. Anita Jarris

    This post is a blessing to many people going through various trials. Thanks for beginning by sharing your own story.So often we minister to people but fail to minister among them. This post gives new insight to stepping stones. Blessings!

  3. Krista


    I absolutely love what you said “each of our trials is an opportunity to see God at work” – What a true statement! I’m very glad that things don’t just randomly happen for no reason at all without a purpose of any kind. When the hard times in life arrive, it’s so comforting to know that it has a purpose, there is a reason, and it will benefit us in many wonder and positive ways because God is that amazing! It’s in those times when we grow, learn, and lean on God the most.

    Thanks for this encouraging post.


  4. Iris

    Powerful devotion, Joan. I often say that I do not how people can go through trials and tribulation without the strength of Christ.