Your Story

God has given each person a unique story, unlike anyone else’s. We often refer to it as our testimony. Every single line in the story of our lives is a record of what God has done from beginning to end. We are a testimony of His faithfulness.

Many think of their testimony as only the time of their conversion, but really our whole life is a testimony of the marvelous works of God. You may be thinking – “But my story has a lot of hardships and disappointments in it.” This is true for most people to some degree. God promises to work all things out for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. It’s hard to think that some things could ever be used for good, but with God they can. With God all things are possible!

Sometimes the “good” He works is that it gives hope to someone else; someone who may be going through a similar experience. Your testimony may encourage another to not give up…to look up. Have you ever been encouraged by hearing someone’s story?

I remember finding hope many times in the testimonies of other people, and by the testimonies of those in the Bible. As their stories were told, it was easy to see how God worked in the difficult situations – easier than when it was happening to me!

Your story is important, and you’re the only one who can tell it. When you do, God will be glorified as those around you hear what He has done for you. It will encourage them to trust Him to work things out for good in their lives as well. Even when we can’t see the end of a situation, we can look back and see God’s faithfulness in the journey leading up to it, and know He is still working.

What is being written in your story today? Can you see the good He is working as you trust Him with the pages of your life?

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)

5 thoughts on “Your Story

  1. Iris

    That is so true, Charlotte. Sometimes we do not see the good that comes out of a bad situation. But using our life and testimony to encourage others is what we should do.

    Thank you for the powerful reminder to share even out struggles.

  2. Charlotte

    Good thoughts, Charlotte. We do need to consider our complete lives and how God has worked there all along the way. Looking back I can see clearly that He has been there with me from the very start. Thank you for this insight.

  3. Mary Tullila

    This devo gives me encouragement to one day soon share my BEE STORY.. the tug grows stronger everyday 8)
    Isaiah 61;1-3

  4. Bobbie Spiess

    Thanks,Charlotte,for the insight of sharing our testimony
    God will always be with us.