How strong are your roots?

I was noticing how huge our tree out in the front yard is getting. Nearly 21 years ago when we moved into this house, it was a big tree but now it just gi-normous, bigger than our house. I have often wondered what would happen if a terrific storm came thru and uprooted that tree. With the close proximity’s between the tree and our house, no doubt some damage would take place.

Old trees fascinate me. Not just the age and size but the history behind it. I did some research and I found that the oldest tree (over 1,500 years old) can actually be found in South Carolina, it is estimated to be 65 feet tall, with a circumference of about 25 feet. The tree can shade approximately 17,000 feet of ground cover. What is amazing about this tree is not how tall it is, but the vast canopy of limbs that are outstretched. I read that this particular tree suffered some significant damage from hurricane Hugo, but because of its deep roots it was able to make a full recovery.

Ecclesiastes 11:1-3 (MESSAGE) “Be generous: Invest in acts of charity. Charity yields high returns. Don’t hoard your goods; spread them around. Be a blessing to others. This could be your last night. When the clouds are full of water, it rains. When the wind blows down a tree, it lies where it falls.”

When the raging winds blow, and the storms brew, it is my prayer that we could be like that old tree, blessing others by having branches that spread wide with Gods love and having roots that are deep rooted in His Word and Promises.

There is nothing more breathtaking than to see a big old tree that has weathered many storms from the beginning when it was just a seedling to now a strong, towering presence, standing tall and fearless. Such a tree started out just ordinary and after some time became an extraordinary piece of history.

You and I are like such a tree. When rooted deep in Gods love and power, we have the strength to overcome any wicked storm. With our arms outstretched to touch the lives of others, God takes the ordinary in you and I and creates some amazing extraordinary things.

Wouldn’t it be something to be like the oldest tree I mentioned and be able to reach out and cover lost and hurting people for 17,000 feet? How many souls could we impact if our godly influence spread out that far? I would love to be considered a history maker for Jesus Christ and have such deep roots in Him that no matter what came my way, I could withstand it and not fall down.

How are your roots? Are they strong enough to withstand the storms of life? Get deep rooted in God and His Word, and decide today to be a history maker for Him!


3 thoughts on “How strong are your roots?

  1. Debbie

    Oh yes, we need those strong roots to weather the storms in life. And may those roots be planted in Jesus Christ who can provide the strength to weather anything.

    Great post and reminder!

    Blessings and love,

  2. Iris

    What a powerful reminder to stay rooted in His Word. I know from personal experience, that being deeply rooted in His Word makes all the difference in the world.

    May we all spread the ‘shade’ of Him who sees us through.