“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” 2 Timothy 2:15  NKJV


When the Holy Spirit lays a subject on my heart or I am responsible for giving the devotion at our monthly Ladies meeting.  I can’t wait to get out several versions of Scripture, a concordance, a dictionary and several study guides on the subject. The KJV is always my “go to” version, I love the beauty of its words, but I also love to read other versions, just to understand the WORD of God better and get a clearer picture of what the Holy Spirit is trying to say to me.

I find that studying God’s WORD is like finding a vein of gold in the gold mine.  Yes, the vein of gold is there but you have to take a pick axe and hammer and hammer the gold out of the rock. Then you clear all the rock away and there viola’ you have the pure gold.

This is the same way I study the word after I find the nugget of gold the Holy Spirit is trying to show me.  I get my Bibles out and my other study devices also I look up the scripture on line and then the work really begins.

Prayer, prayer and more prayer for the Holy Spirit to show me the meaning of the Gold that I have found.

Another thing I always do is go to my mentor and talk my findings over with him, to see if I am on the right track.  I was told years ago that everyone that writes about or speaks a message about God should put themselves under a very wise and learned mentor to be sure that you are on the right track and what you believe that the Holy Spirit has showed you is Biblically correct.  I love my mentor who just happens to be no other than my Precious Pastor.  I have called him at some odd and extreme times when the WORD was burning in me so strong I just knew he did not mind waking up just to hear what God had given to me.  He is so gracious and kind every time I call him; He is a Giant in the Kingdom of God and  a Giant of knowdege and of understanding God’s word. Thank you Dr. Thomas Batts for being my mentor and my pastor; (Permission to use Name).

Dear Readers, I love you, Gloria

© copyrite 2014


  1. BernadineBernadine

    “I find that studying God’s WORD is like finding a vein of gold in the gold mine. Yes, the vein of gold is there but you have to take a pick axe and hammer and hammer the gold out of the rock. Then you clear all the rock away and there viola’ you have the pure gold.”

    I love this quote. Beautiful analogy.

    KJV is my go to version also when I’m simply reading. But I love using other translations to get a deeper meaning also.