Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. Matt. 6:19-20

Stuff. We all have it. Make no mistake about it, our houses, cars, rooms, cupboards and even purses are filled with it. Things you once loved or didn’t, now stuffed in a closet, behind a chair, under a bed or overhead in the attic. If you were to make a list of all the stuff you have in boxes, stacked in the garage, or tossed beneath a cabinet, you couldn’t. Forgotten stuff, used only for a time, not to be remembered again.

Stuff holds us in bondage. It keeps us from moving forward, from focusing on the present. And, at times, it overwhelms us. Yet, each Christmas I want more of it. I check the Sunday ads searching for it. Not only do I want more stuff, I want to give stuff to my husband and children too.

My teenage daughter Meghan, recently told me a story her college professor shared with her class. It helped me see “stuff” in a much different way.

As the students filed into the college class for their final exam, they were greeted by their teacher. He was standing beside a table of archaic looking items. As each curious student came forward, their professor explained the odd -looking objects, and then proceeded to try and sell them to his students.
“This here is an 8-track player. I’ll sell it to you for $100.00.”
“Are you kidding? Those are obsolete. No one uses 8-track players anymore.” The student smirked.
“Well, how about this transistor radio? I’ll give you a deal…$40.00.”
Another student peered over the table and laughed at his teacher. “That transistor radio is a dinosaur. And it only gets AM!”
“Ok, then how about this TV?” The professor waved his arm towards the gargantuan television, towering over the table.“I’ll give you a bargain…$500.00.”
A chorus of students roared with laughter. “Is this a joke? I bet that TV weighs 500lbs!” The students crouched down to get a better look. “Are those dials for changing the channels? Cmon’ professor!” Their laughter had them doubled over by now.
As they chuckled and giggled, their teacher calmly shared, “Men and women… some of them your own mothers and fathers, worked long hours to bring this “stuff” home to their family. Time taken away from their loved ones was used instead to bring a couple smiles, and a few light moments to those they cared about. Not much has changed today. People are working harder and longer to give those they love “stuff”. When what matters, what really counts, is time. And in time, even your newest and neatest toy this Christmas will become archaic, odd and obsolete.”
The teacher looked around his classroom. The laughter had stopped.

This Christmas, take a moment and ask the Lord to help you discover something your husband and children can’t tuck away to be forgotten in a box or on a shelf. Take a walk together. Make cookies together. Share a cup of cocoa together. Cuddle on the couch together. Play a game together. Love on one another and laugh together. Memories should be the “stuff” we tuck away in our hearts this holiday season.

Heavenly Father, forgive me for putting my eyes on “stuff”, open my eyes to your eternal gifts. Thank you for your precious son and the earthly blessings you have given me in my family. Help me to make time this Christmas season to build memories that will bring us laughter, comfort, and joy throughout our lives. I love you so much Jesus. Please continue to be the only “stuff” I focus on this week.

Merry CHRISTmas Laced with Grace-friends! Come by and say hello at my blog Blessed… www.onesoblessed.com

5 thoughts on “I’m STUFFed

  1. eph2810

    Oh, Joanne, what a powerful post. You are right — we get STUFFed – that is for sure. May we make memories this Christmas and not add too much stuff.

  2. Debbie

    Joanne, what a perfect illustration! That professor was very smart to share that with his class. It’s interesting how that story will probably travel and cause others to also think about “stuff”.

    This year, we aren’t even buying gifts. I have to admit the reason was more out of necessity but in the process, the Lord is teaching us. We have plenty of stuff and could probably give away much stuff. Spending time with each other is way better.

    My husband’s family will be spending Christmas Day afternoon at our house. I hope to have time to engage each one of them in conversation about Christmas memories and more. The teens are growing so quickly and I love to hear about their lives.

    May you have a wonderful Christmas without too much more stuff.

    Maybe the professor needs to hear how many others were blessed by his story.
