Summer Vacation has Ended…

Would you agree that the carefree days of summer goes by very quickly? Before you know it the lazy, move at your own pace vacation days are in your rearview mirror and first day of school is just a weekend away. Teachers and students, although they sigh and bemoan the seemingly too short days of summer that have dwindled down from weeks to mere days, are secretly excited to head back to the classroom.

Many teachers are in their classrooms long before their students happily decorating and making their classroom bright, beautiful and inviting, laying the foundation of an atmosphere conducive to learning in anticipation of a new group of students who will burst through their classroom doors.

In a perfect world the excitement and newness of the first days of school would last the entire school year, but it doesn’t. It wears off and sometimes weariness sets in. So, as the final days of summer vacation counts down and the first days of a new school year approaches, I’d like to join me in praying for teachers who bear the responsibility of molding young minds and assisting in preparing them for the future.

“Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future. She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” Proverbs 31:25-26

Dear God, As teachers begin to return to their classrooms in preparation for a new school year, I pray that You will be with them. Give them wisdom and strength. Prepare their hearts for the new group of students that they will receive. Give them strategies to assist students who may need a little extra attention. May their classrooms be safe havens where students thrive and are excited to come to every day. And father, I pray that as teachers pour out into their students that You will replenish their supply. May they find everything they need in you. Amen

3 thoughts on “Summer Vacation has Ended…

  1. Luwana

    I agree in prayer for the safety and productivity of students and teachers. …For compassion and life lessons to carry them forward in life.

  2. LaurieLaurie

    I have two teachers in my family. My son teaches junior high English and one of my daughter in laws teaches 1st grade. Their summers usually include attending workshops in addition to getting their rooms ready. Their break is indeed short. Teachers and students should be in our daily prayers, the battles they face daily are great.