Tending the Garden

I spent several hours today tending my flower gardens.  I have to admit that I have neglected them for several days weeks which caused me to spend so much more time today…… weeding….. “deadheading” and pruning….. fertilizing…… and spraying for insects. Just last month the flowers were beautiful and producing…

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A Needy Heart

My five year old came home from church this week explaining to me all about heaven. “There’s no more bad guys there and no one will be sad or scared anymore. Nobody will need a doctor anymore because we won’t get sick or hurt. I can’t wait to go there!”…

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I am Doing a New Thing

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19 I love the fact we serve a God of new beginnings. I can not begin to tell you how…

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Seeing With His Eyes…

My mind has a hard timing thinking about how many people there are walking the earth.  I find myself thinking about these things often, particularly when I am with large crowds.  At the State Fair, for example, sometimes I try to imagine how many people have walked down the same path I’m…

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Cruise Control Faith

Not to long ago I was driving in my car on my way to relax by a pool after a trying week. It felt like one thing hit me after another, I had been praying for clarity and asking God why certain things were happening; asking him to please give…

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