The Dance with My Father

I learned to love dancing at an early age. Both of my parents were avid dancers and I would accompany them on many of their outings. Under the guidance of my father, one of the first things I learned was to allow him to lead. I learned to be attuned…

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Where Do You Turn For Comfort?

How often do you seek comfort in the midst of trials?  Do you pray and ask God to please take away all of your problems or pain? It seems like most people are going through trials of some kind lately.  Christians are not immune.  Contrary to some popular preaching on health,…

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Losing but Gaining

Today’s devotion was written by one of my longest blogging friends, Vicki at Windows to My Soul. Vicki was the very first person I ‘met’ in bloggy land. The below devotion was first published on her site in June and is used with permission to republish on Laced with Grace.…

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Balancing Importance

Luke 2:49-50 “Why were you searching for me? he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” But they [Mary and Joseph] did not understand what He was saying to them. Ministry is really hard. Even when things are not “ministry” I have a tough time…

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