Taking the Job

It’s 11:19PM and here I sit with my hands on the keyboard. I need a devotion or something resembling one typed up and ready to post on this website before I head to bed. Something like what you are reading right now.

God surprised me recently by giving me a job. A real, paid job! Imagine that. After all these years of raising boys and volunteering, I now get paid for something I love doing! Along with the job came work, and things that make me tired and want to go to bed before 11:19PM. It brought change in other ways also. Ways that stretch me and ask of me things that are uncomfortable because it requires me to learn new things.

Change is hard. Why is it that God asks us to do hard things? Do you think perhaps it is because it is only when we are beyond ourselves that we realize how very much we need Him? I think there is a good chance that is the reason. When this job came along, I knew it was from Him; we had been talking. My heart and mouth said yes before my brain knew what they were doing. Now it is trying to catch up.

I’m guessing it will, because when God asks us to do something He doesn’t leave us to muddle through on our own. He walks right by our side and gives us all the help we need to accomplish what He planned. It isn’t really about what we think we can or can’t do, because with God all things are possible. It’s more about saying yes to His adventure.


For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,

which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:10

2 thoughts on “Taking the Job

  1. Iris

    You are right Charlotte; He does not leave us on our own. He always is with, especially in uncomfortable situation.

    Congratulations on the job. I know you will do well.