Taught by a Bird



Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.

Are you not much more valuable than they?

(Matt 6:26, NIV)

This summer, I was blessed with the opportunity for a free retreat to a state park- where I could write and get focused on what God was leading me to do.  On my first morning there, I sat outside to enjoy the lake view as I studied my Bible and wrote. All of a sudden, my breath caught.  The most beautiful cardinal came and sat right by my chair and ate off of the ground.

Oh, how I love birds!  Especially red ones.  Tears gathered in my eyes.  God was meeting with me that morning personally and confirming his love by speaking my pitiful language.  He was showing me that he knows what I like and how to bless me.

But He also showed me how He provided for His own.  That bird was not flitting around manically, no (!) it just flapped in, took a seat, and ate the buffet.  And then I was reminded of today’s passage.  God feeds the birds!  A being He created for the enjoyment of man.

But he does not stop there!  He will feed me!  Someone created in His image and in His likeness.  And He will provide for you,  “Are you not much more valuable than they?”

Lately, I have read and heard much about an expected economic collapse.  As I have heard these warnings, I have desired, to “put my house in order.”  Get out of debt; store up reasonable provisions for my family, make a plan!  You know, just in case.

But it seems like the more I make a plan, try and work it, the further behind we fall.  All of our extra income is going to repair older vehicles.  Having always had newer vehicles (and the accompanying debt) I am not accustomed to the constant need of repairs.  I know overall it is probably less money that a new car payment, but I just get tired of the hassle!  I just want to get in, crank it up, and be on my way.

And then there is the medical debt.  Always some expense.  Another bill.  They all want more than the budget will allow.  Sometimes trying to manage our budget is like trying to gather sand in a sieve.  It is flowing out, quicker than I can put it in.

I despair. My mind begins to fear.   What if there is an economic shift?  What will we do?  How will we make it?  What about getting a $1000 cushion and snowballing debt?

And then I remember the bird.  Yes, I should use the wisdom that God provides and attempt Godly stewardship.  But when my plan fails and falls short…  I must remember the bird. He is not really capable of strategizing and maintaining a diversified portfolio, but God takes care of him.  He meets his need!  And He will meet mine as well.

As I sat in the still of the morning, the Lord graciously brought another teaching tool…


the squirrel!  He came right up and looked at me expectantly. The Lord provides for him as well.  Nuts, acorns, etc.  But this little guy, I believe, had been spoiled by some previous campers.  He had an air of expectation born of experience.

Both spoke volumes to me.  Because sometimes God provides for us miraculously, causing the funds to spread further than makes sense, money coming out of nowhere, making what we have last, etc.  And at other times, he uses the hands of people to be his hands extended.  Like he had for me, as I sat in my loaner camper, loaner chair and loaner campsite.

Have a need today?  He has a plan!

Dear Lord, help me to remember the message of the bird and the squirrel.  Help me to trust and remember that you are Jehovah Jireh, my provider.



© Sherri Evans Ministries 2015. All rights reserved. Used by permission.  For booking schedule and information: sherrievans@sherrievansministries.com


2 thoughts on “Taught by a Bird

  1. Iris

    It is true that often times we fret about provision, but God has a plan for all of it. Thank you for the reminder.