Thank God for Answered Prayers

I was in the middle of making up my bed when I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to praise him.  It’s never difficult for me to find reasons to praise God but I did wonder why he wanted me to praise him at that particular time. However I was obedient and since I was making my bed I started with that.  I thanked him that the bed I was making was for two instead of one. I thanked him that I was cleaning, doing laundry and planning meals, for two instead of one.  You see, I got married earlier this year to a wonderful man who is the answer to my prayer for a mate. I’m still newly married enough to remember that just a year ago it wasn’t so.

The fact that my marriage meant leaving my home country and moving to that of my husband created a whole new list of things to pray and believe God for, and I have been passionately praying on those things.  However, sometimes we get so caught up in the seemingly urgent things that we are praying for now, we forget that so many things in our lives are a direct answer to our prayers.

Our homes, families, jobs, health and so many other things can be attributed to answered prayers.

20 And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20 (NLT)

I think the Holy Spirit wanted me to take a moment and focus on the many prayers he had already answered.  When we take time to count our blessings and thank God for answering our prayers not only is He pleased but it builds our faith to believe that if He’s done it before, He’ll do it again.


3 thoughts on “Thank God for Answered Prayers

  1. Pingback: » Thank God for Answered Prayers

  2. Iris

    That is so true, Bernadine. We often forget that God does answer our prayers. Being thankful is the first step to let God know we have acknowledged His gifts to us.