The Gift of Elijah’s

“As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind” (2 Kings 2:11)

In Beth Moore’s, Whispers of Hope, she has a devotion about Elisha’s dependency on Elijah and his constant struggle with their ever changing relationship. Beth says, “No matter how badly Elisha wanted to hang on to Elijah, separation was inevitable. The results reveal why God usually retains our Elijah’s only temporarily.”

I have had a few “Elijah’s” in my life too. Ladies that I relied on to help me in my spiritual growth, ladies I relied on to be my mentor and ladies I relied on the be my friend. I didn’t always understand it, but I now see that God moves me through certain relationships that are only meant for a specific season.

It has been 8 months since our family made the decision to leave what was our church home. In the time since leaving, I noticed that I have had a tendency to lean towards bitterness at everything that happened. I was ready to let go of all the good that had taken place over the years simply because that church was going in a direction that my husband and I did not see compatible with our family.

In particular, I found myself bitter at the pastor’s wife. In the past, she had always fascinated me and inspired me. She was beautiful – inside and out. On the outside, she was graceful, poised and physically gorgeous. She was once a Miss USA contestant. Inside, she was even more attractive. She had a genuine heart for the Lord. In lady’s bible study, she was always open and sincere about her struggles and constantly proved to be a prayer warrior and encourager to those of us who needed it. She served as a comforter to me several times. I’ll never forget the first time I led a lady’s bible study at the church. I was afraid to pray out loud (I still don’t like too). She would call me and encourage me and pray with me. I admired her and honestly, she was a large part of encouraging me to grow spiritually and move out of my comfort zone.

It is sad, but I was ready to forget all the good that had happened. We are not in the same place anymore. The church was moving to a place that our family could not go but that did not mean that the relationship we had formed in the past was void and served no purpose. I found myself forgetting all the positive.

Yes, God moved us. I know beyond any doubt that God wanted us out of that church. Many relationships have changed. Not just with the pastor’s wife but even my close friends who still attend there. I guess in some way, they were all my “Elijah’s” in one form or another and God is moving me on to another season. They all had some influence in my growth.

God wants me to keep my focus on Him. Not how many women I have in my life to influence me and encourage me. When God sees in his sovereignty the time to move on, I have to go and trust Him.

It takes a spiritual maturity to not allow bitterness to take root and focus on the reason God placed certain women in my life for a season. Beth concludes with this quote, “Sometimes we must give up our Elijahs, but like Elisha, we get to keep one treasure forever: the cloak they left behind. Everything we learned from them.”

Thank you heavenly Father for the season of changes you place in my life. Thank you for those past relationships, Lord. And the way you used some wonderful ladies to minister to and encourage me. Thank you for the new season as well. Lord, in the midst of the gifts of friendships, Lord, I pray that you never let me put my focus on them but keep it on You in all things. In your son’s precious name. Amen.

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6 thoughts on “The Gift of Elijah’s

  1. eph2810

    I remember something my pastor said a long time ago “I am not the one who is drawing you to this church, but the Word of God. You should not come because of me, but because of Him”…Yes, people can help us with our spiritual walk and encourage us, but we should never take our eyes off of Him…You are right, Dana, He sends us people into our lives for seasons, but sometimes we grow apart with others.

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us this morning.

    Blessings to you and yours.

  2. Heather Cox

    Brain moving faster than fingers on keyboard… LaceD with Grace girls – ALL of you – please stop by to get your award! I so appreciate you and your heart for discipleship.

  3. LynnLynn


    Thankyou for your honesty and openess. This is a real touchy subject and you handled it with the grace of Christ. Thank you. I needed to read this today. Love and hugs, Lynn