The most least important day of our life!

Today is my birthday. Years ago, it was the one day of the year that I looked forward to with great anticipation. Now that I am older, November 10th is just another day.

Years ago, my mother looked forward to this particular day, just like most new mom’s, with great excitement to finally get to meet her daughter and to hold her and look forward to rocking her in her arms. There is something about babies that people just love. The excitement that surrounds the beginning of life is just unexplainable. Have you noticed that almost as soon as birth happens, the most important day now becomes the least important day of one’s life?

November 10th was the most important day of my life because it was the beginning of life for me. The start of it all. But yet, it is also the least important because once my life begun, the excitement and anticipation of my birth was in the past, I can never be a new creation again.

Or can I?

If you ask a non believer if they can be born “again”, they would say NO! After all, why would anyone want to go back into the womb? But Jesus said this:

“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:1)

As we grow up physically, the most important thing is not that we were born, but rather, how we live. I suppose you could say the same is true for when we become born again spiritually. Francis Schaeffer in “True Spirituality” wrote this…

“In one way, the new birth is the most important thing in our spiritual lives, because we are not Christians until we have come this way. In another way, however, after one has become a Christian, it must be minimized, in that we should not always have our minds only on our new birth. The important thing after being born spiritually is to live.” (chapter one)

I, like you, am ever so grateful for the past. I am  grateful that I was born into this world 52 years ago but more important than being born that day is what I am doing with the days (and years) since then. What does my present walk with the Lord look like, where is it leading me to?

May we all learn to trust God’s promise of forgiveness and cleansing, may we all begin to walk with Him in our rebirth. Remember my friend, it isn’t about birthday cake or presents on our BIRTHday, the important thing isn’t even about being born; the important thing now is how we live – spiritually!

Have you been reborn? It’s easy if you haven’t – A/ Admit you have sinned B/ Believe that Jesus Christ died for you C/ Confess with your mouth that He is your Lord and Savior.

Let me know if you are celebrating life (in Jesus) and not just your earthly birth. Happy BIRTHday (or should I say re-BIRTH) to those of you who have been reborn in Him!

6 thoughts on “The most least important day of our life!

  1. Iris

    Happy birthday, my sweet friend. I hope you had a super-fun day!

    I am too thankful for the re-birth that allows me to access the throne of grace at any time I need to.