The Party Goes On…

“If you don’t come, the party will still go on…”

I was in still in high school when I first heard my mom preached this message.  It stuck with me ever since.  She was preaching from the story of the prodigal son found in Luke 15:11-32. The topic as you probably guessed was based on the older brother’s refusal to attend the celebration because he felt as if his father had treated him unfairly.

For many years as I read and reread the story of the prodigal son something niggled at me. I had a problem with the story. The problem was, I understood how the older brother felt.  I sympathized with him.  I also thought he had been treated unfairly.

Then one day after reading the passage as I’d done countless times, I got it.  I realized what my problem was with the passage. It floored me because I never realized how blinded I was to the spiritual lesson that was right there for all to see.

My problem, I never saw myself as the prodigal.

Sometimes even if we are truly wronged it doesn’t hurt to ask ourselves, “If the shoe was on the other foot, how would I want to be treated?”

When I saw myself as the prodigal, my outlook changed a bit. I thought of myself being the youngest of eight children.  If I’d wronged the family, left home and returned years later in disgrace would I want them to accept me with open arms and rejoice that I’d return home? How would I feel if they felt betrayed that I was still loved, wanted and accepted by our parents?

Whether we stray away from our Christian values, say things best left unsaid or display actions unbecoming of God’s children, we all have prodigal moments. If we would always remember Paul’s words in Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; and Luke’s words in Luke 6:31 Do to others as you would like them to do to you. It would be easier to offer forgiveness, love and acceptance. But even if we don’t, the party still goes on while we’re stuck unable to move forward because of our anger and hurt.

Heavenly Father, help me to always be willing to offer others the love and forgiveness that you have extended to me.


7 thoughts on “The Party Goes On…

  1. saleslady371

    Great message about the true prodigal. I get it and you explained it well! Let’s leave the judging to God and love others the way we want them to love us! Extending warm hugs to you, Bernadine.

  2. Iris

    What a great point of view regarding the older son. You are right; we should be thinking about how we would like to get treated when we return to the family. I know that I was a prodigal for many years and I am thankful that God pulled me back in to the His family.