The Reality is…

The past few years has brought an interesting shift in the television industry.  Years ago when I was growing up there was an abundance of comedies, sitcoms and game shows on television.  However today they’re really not as popular any more.  Today, it’s all about reality.  Almost every television station has its own reality based show. (Survivor, Big Brother, The Bachelor, American Idol and the list goes on…)   While they may all have different themes they’re still basically all the same.  The shows starts with several people, and at the end there is only one man/woman standing.

These shows are all about, winning out over the competition and being the last one left on the island, or the one to get the girl or the guy, the record contract etc.  Most of them are about backbiting or undermining the competition and finding strategies that will get them what they want.  To achieve this end contestants form alliances with other members, not because they genuinely like them, or want to be around them but simply because they feel that they can use them to achieve their own end. 

 “…and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Hebrews 12:1

 I  press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 3:14

  I am not by nature a very competitive person.  Hence, when I look at these shows I am always grateful that I don’t have to compete against my brothers and sisters in Christ for my place in the kingdom of God.  As a part of the body of Christ although we are all running the same race and pressing towards the same goal, we don’t have to fight each other. The prize we are pressing towards is enough for everyone who wants it.  Therefore, we can all work together to help and encourage each other because we are all in this Christian race together and we need each other to survive.  

When I was in primary school one of my teachers constantly made our class repeat what I until recently thought was part of a poem but it’s actually a song.

No man is an island

No man is an island,
No man stands alone,
Each man’s joy is joy to me,
Each man’s grief is my own.

We need one another,
So I will defend,
Each man as my brother,
Each man as my friend.

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Lord, thank you for placing friends along the way in this journey to inspire us, encourage us, cheer us on and run this Christian race with us.    

10 thoughts on “The Reality is…

  1. Denise

    Now that you mention it, you’re absolutely right. We don’t have to compete with each other for the Lord’s attention. I’m going to be thinking on that a lot today. I believe it will bring healing to others too.

  2. Shonda

    You’re so right–we dont have to fight one another for a place in the kingdom of God. But unfortunately I’ve seen competition among Christians and it grieves me. I pray for unity in the body of Christ so that we can work together for the spreading of the gospel and encouraging one another. Thanks for sharing this!

    Blessings in Christ–

    P.S. Please enter me.

  3. Angela

    Aman Sister, If I had to compete I would loose that race. It is only by the grace of God I am able to hang on and run the race I am in. Thank you for today’s devotion.

  4. LynnLynn

    Bernadine, Beautiful…..

    I am always grateful that I don’t have to compete against my brothers and sisters in Christ for my place in the kingdom of God.

    Once again the brilliance of God…. there is no need to compete for a place in the kingdom. Awesom.

  5. LindaLinda

    I really hadn’t thought of it in that way Bernadine. But you’re so right. We have so much to be thankful for as fellow believers – sharing and caring not being the least of them.

  6. eph2810

    I too am glad that I have sisters and brothers in Christ that help me along the way. Especially when I get off of the path that He has sat before me.

    Thank you so much for sharing these encouraging words with us, Bernadine.

    Be blessed today and always.

  7. Jennifer

    I am so thankful that we’re all running the same race! We don’t have to fight or compete against our bothers and sisters. We truly do need one another to survive the trials in this world and we should be each another’s #1 cheerleaders. My Christian friends and family are my lifeline.