The Retreat


Luke 5:16

16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.



Do you have a favorite image of Jesus?  I guess if I had to pick one, it would be of Him, kneeling humbling and passionately in  communion with His Heavenly Father.  Can you imagine how He must have felt?  He had gone from having constant intimacy in the presence of His loving Father, to being physically located on sin-darkened Earth.  Did He long for the throne room?  Did He miss the worship of the cherubim?  I guess we will never know this side of heaven.   But one thing I do know.  Jesus continued to make a relationship with His Father a priority.   A daily journey.  A lifelong pursuit.

No matter how hectic His ministry became, He made prayer a priority.  Yes, He was God in the flesh, but to fulfill His commission, He knew He needed the refreshing that prayer provided.  He needed to focus on His connection to the heavenly, supernatural sphere, so the noise of life did not distract Him from His mission.  How much more do we need to withdraw in prayer to a lonely place?

When I am feeling battered by life, I enjoy finding my way to a place in nature that I can find quiet and solace.  There, it is easier to hear the still, small voice of the Father.  In that lonely place, it is easier to sense His assurance, to feel the gentle pressure of His loving embrace around me.   When I cannot go out to a beautiful beach or a picturesque mountainside, I can still retreat to the secret place of prayer.  I can build an altar wherever I am. And He is faithful to meet with me there.  Always waiting.  Always wooing.  My constant companion.

I am convinced that our lives would bear His mark of peace even more if we would develop this discipline of quiet time with the Lord.  We need to be washed from the filth of the world.  We need to have our souls refreshed and our parched spirits rehydrated.  He provides that to us.  Are you neglecting that privilege?

Some days my quiet time is a feast for my soul.  Other days, it seems I am just marking time. Or worse yet, I omit it altogether as I chase after one crisis or another.  I cannot afford to go into battle  without my armor.  But I am so guilty of doing it nonetheless!

Do you need peace?  Direction?  Restoration?   Why not plan a retreat?  It does not have to be any further than your favorite armchair, surrounded by your Bible, your worship music and your favorite cup of latte.  He waits for you- run to Him and be refreshed!

Dear Lord, thank you for the retreat of prayer.  Thank you for the lonely times spent only with You.  I cherish the privilege.  Help me not to neglect our relationship or intimacy with you.  For Lord, I surely need you.


8 thoughts on “The Retreat

    1. Sherri EvansSherri

      Denise, you are so right! Many times my smart phone freezes when I need to make a call. Prayer never does : ).

  1. Angie

    This was FOR me. Thank you Sherri!! I needed this so much. Life and such has been a struggle– days feel like treading water– rather than swimming. :/. But you are so right– moments with HIM changes my heart and life.
    My “go to picture” of Jesus would probably be Him in the boat with Peter– watching his face as the bulging net is being pulled to the surface– Jesus – in my view- hides a smile at Peters expression. 🙂

  2. Sherri EvansSherri

    Angie, thank you for the encouragement! I am glad it spoke to your heart. Your word picture of Jesus made me smile too ; ).

  3. Iris

    Oh so true, Sherri. When I get up late in the morning and I need to rush to get things done without time with my Lord, the day does not go as smooth as when I have the time with Him.

    1. Sherri EvansSherri


      I am sure that is why the enemy fights against our devotional time so much! He does not want us to be armed and ready. Thanks for the encouragement!

  4. Jean Lawry

    You must have wrote this just for me!! Thank you, it is a beautiful article, and it touched my soul. I have added you to my Facebook, and Twitter, you have gained a new follower.

    1. Sherri EvansSherri


      Thank you so much for the uplifting feedback! I am glad it touched you and I really appreciate your support!