The Terror of Night


“I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.”  .Isa. 42:16


It was a night of inky darkness.  I could not see the proverbial hand right before my eyes.  I knew there was a flash light. In there.  But first I had to get there.  I had to walk through the darkness.  Through unknown peril.  To reach the light.  My knees grew weak and my courage failed.  I had to do it.  Just plunge in.  Quit over thinking it and get to the light.  I gathered my resolve and did it.  The moment I flipped the switch, the room was bathed in light. Glorious light.  As I scanned the room, I confirmed the truth.  There was nothing there to harm me.  I just could not see that in the dark.

Lately I have walked through some perilous times.  Both on my own and as an intercessor for those the Lord places on my heart.  Being totally honest here, there are days that the task seems too great.  The darkness too pervasive. So many people hurting.  Really hurting.  So much disease and heartache.  Families ravaged by selfishness. Health eroded by an insidious disease.  A country thrown in chaos and strife.  Yes.  Truly darkness abounds.

When I come to the end of myself, blissfully I always find Him there.  Ready to give me what I lack.  To strengthen me with His precious Holy Spirit. Even in the dark night of the soul.  He is present.  And with Him is light.  Marvelous light.

When the needs of others press in on me like a weighted blanket, I am reminded- He is enough.  Yes, it is dark.  Yes, it looks scary.  But so much of what we fear is an invention of the mind.  (And truly more frightful than what we actually experience.) The Word of God promises that He will not put more on us than we can bear, but that He will make a way of escape.  (I Cor. 10:13)  Our temptation will not be greater than our ability to endure.  In Him.

Sometimes the apparent hopelessness of a situation paralyzes me to the point that I struggle to pray.  I struggle to believe what He says- to take God at His Word.  But every time I dare to plunge on in faith.  To step into the darkness- the unknown- I find Him there.  It is like a trip switch underneath my feet.  I take a step; He floods it with His light.  I take another step- again His brilliance bursts forth.  I long for the ability to see into the horizon.  To know the end from the beginning.  But such is not my path.  No.  In fact, my path is just this:  Step out in faith, and see Him show up time and time again in His brilliance.  His light.  His provision.  His hope.  His strength to bear whatever the darkness hides.

He will not allow His child to stumble in darkness.  Those who cry out are answered and helped!  He will turn the darkness to light before us.  He did not promise an absence of darkness, but rather, a remedy.  He will make the rough places smooth.  The roughness exists, but He levels a path for our feet.  He will not forsake us.  Always, he is there!  Hope.  What blessed hope!

Dear God I pray today for those facing oppressive darkness and fear. Give them grace and strength to step out in pursuit of You- the Author of Light.  Calm the fearful heart.  Drive out the terror of the night.  You have been our help from ages past.  Shine on us, Lord!  Shine in us.  We need to see Your light.  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.



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