The Typewriter

On Sunday the sermon was (of course) on the resurrection.

Christ offers us resurrection, eternal life, salvation. Not “resuscitation” – we will have to face death again. Christ offers us resurrection, to go through death and never have to face it again.

The pastor gave an illustration of a typewriter.

God is not offering us white out.

He’s not even offering us new paper.

No – Christ offers something totally new! Entirely different.

With whiteout, the mistake is still on the paper, it is only covered up. With new paper, you “get rid of the evidence”.

Christ offers us a new way…

Christ has the “delete key”.

He does not deal with us according to our sins,
nor repay us according to our iniquities.
For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him;
as far as the east is from the west,
so far does he remove our transgressions from us. (Psa 103:10-12)

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23 thoughts on “The Typewriter

  1. Lisa E.

    What a great analogy! I have not heard it put that way before. Thank God for Jesus!

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    Lisa E

  2. HisGirl

    Praise the Lord for that delete… for there is not enough White Out in the WORLD! Oh what a gracious God He is!

    enter me, please 🙂

  3. Sharyn

    I found you when searching for a specific scripture & so glad I did! Now I drop in when I have a minute & really enjoy your meditations. Thank you!

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  4. Vickie

    Great illustration!!! For adults at least – I don’t think the kids I work with have ever seen a typewriter. 😉 Thank you for sharing!


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  5. Angela

    Thank you Lord for the gift of salvation. I am thankful he has the delete key. All to often I find that even though he has deleted my sin the key stroke still is visible to the human eye, foe some sin scares us throughout our human life. I am so grateful in the eyes of God he sees the beauty with in us through Holy eyes. I want to Praise the Lord for all of the transgressions he has deleted from my life. He is so worthy of all the praise we can give him but we are not worthy of his love. That is the thing we are not worthy but because he loves us that makes us worthy to him. How I long to see that love in my Saviors eyes. Thank you for such a devotion as this. It presents an opportunity to thank God for his love. I do hope I get the chance to talk with some of the women from LWG at the conference. I want to meet the godly women that write these devotions. You ladies are fantastic…Thank You! I missed not having a devotion yesterday, I do look forward to reading them.

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  6. Joanne

    What a great analogy. Praise God for the delete key!

    Blessings, Joanne

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  7. Sherry

    Praise God! The only thing missing from this analogy is all that we learn through our mistakes… 🙂

    In His Grip,


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  8. Shalee

    Oh, how I love that analogy! One of the things I am most grateful for as a Christian is that when I try to apologize to God again for something that I’ve already given over to him, I know that he is giving me a blank look. He’s already deleted it – even if I haven’t yet. That is the glory of grace!

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