The Witness




16 We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. 17 For he received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”  18 We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain.  19 And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. (2 Peter 1:16-19, NIV)


Have you, like me, ever shrank back at the idea of witnessing to people?  For some reason, the word seems intimidating and daunting!  How do I strike up a conversation with someone, that  I might “witness” to them?  What if they become angry?  What if I say it wrong?  What if I do more harm than good?

Many of us struggle with these doubts and fears.  The idea of “cold turkey” evangelism seems forced and unnatural to me.  But as I read this passage in II Peter, I see a different connotation of witnessing. Peter was just naturally telling what he had personally seen and experienced.  He was a faithful witness to the Majestic Glory of Jesus.  These words, instead, inspire me.  Encourage me.  Awe me.  Peter just told of what he knew of the majestic glory of Jesus!

No, I was not blessed to walk on the same dirt paths that the Apostle Peter enjoyed.  That was a very special call and appointing by the Lord Himself.  But I have, however, seen His hand of mercy demonstrated in my life.  I have felt the bone crushing weight of sin, being rolled off of me!  I have benefitted as He graciously gave me a peace that passes all understanding in moments of trial and testing.  I have felt His hand in mine, as I walked scary places that He led me to walk.  I have experienced the soothing of the Holy Spirit that fell like rain on a congregation, applying the Balm of Gilead to my own wounded heart.  I have seen miracles of transformation in the lives of those who knelt at the foot of the old rugged cross, in humble repentance, only to arise victorious!  I have been the beneficiary of His miraculous, healing touch more than once in my life.  (Once, as the heat of His Spirit radiated through my asthmatic lungs, I was able to finally, blissfully, breathe in a lungful of life sustaining air!)

Oh, that we had the time to recount all that I have witnessed!  I have seen it.  I have felt it.  Even now, the warm afterglow of knowing (Knowing!) the power of the living, risen Lord!  It is too beautiful to recount.  Too poignant to describe.  But tell, I must!  For this, I was left on this Earth following salvation.  That I might be a witness!  That I might bear my own testimony of His Majestic Glory!

There are those with a special evangelism gift and call.  God bless them!  They can flat-footedly lay out the plan of salvation in the middle of a bustling intersection without fear or shrinking!  This is an office worthy of honor.  But for the rest of us- just common, Jesus-loving people- there is still the work of witnessing.  But perhaps in a more intimate, personal way. Tell of what He has brought you through!  Recount the times that He has granted you pardon and forgiveness.  Recite the God-moments that have shaped your life.  That is the context of your witnessing!  That is your firsthand story to tell.

Dear Lord, thank you for all that you have shown me! For all that you have forgiven! Make me a fit witness of your Majestic Glory!  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen!


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3 thoughts on “The Witness

  1. Iris

    Great reminder that we all are His witnesses. We can reach the ones in our immediate circle of influence by telling our story.

  2. Gwyn Harris

    Sherri, I needed this. I have this problem, but I love to tell others what God has done in my life and the joy and peace that I get from serving Him. The Word of God…The Bible has absolutely became life to me since my husband passed 3 1/2 yrs. ago.
    I am from Chipley, live in Milton, FL. now. I had lunch with your mom about a month ago. Love that Judy.
    Thanks for sharing……..
    Love & prayers, Gwyn Harris